Data types

The OPC UA API utilizes different data types. Some of the data types are defined by the OPC UA Foundation and use the OPC UA Foundation JSON serializers. The documentation will list the data types used and show the corresponding JSON and default values. The default values are used when they are not set.

Note that the JSON is case-sensitive

SignalR and RESTFul API Data types

The following types are exposed directly in the API. They consist of smaller data types which are referenced further down in the document.


Used when creating a connection.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
UrlStringThe address of the ua server. E.g. opc.tcp://
AuthenticationTypeUInt32AnonymousUnsecure = 1, AnonymousSecure = 2


Used when reading values (i.e. value of attributes with id = 13).

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
NodeIdsArray of NodeIdContains the node ids to read.


This the response when reading values of nodes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
ValuesArray of DataValueAn array containing the values of the node. The order is the same as in the Request


Used when writing values (i.e. value of attributes with id = 13).

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
WriteValuesArray of WriteNodeValueContains the node ids and values to be written.


Contains a NodeId and a DataValue. Is used when writing values.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe id of the node to write to.
ValueDataValueContains the value to be written.


This the response when writing values to a node.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were written.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
ValuesArray of StatusCodeAn array status of the write operation. The order is the same as in the Request


Used when reading datatypes

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
NodeIdsArray of NodeIdContains the node ids to read.


This the response when reading data types of nodes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
ValuesArray of DataTypeInfoAn array containing the values of the node. The order is the same as in the Request


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
StatusCodeStatusCodeStatus code of the read.
DataTypeIdNodeIdOnly present if StatusCode is good, and contains the node id of the data type.
BrowseNameQualifiedNameOnly present if StatusCode is good, and contains the browse name of the data type.


Used when reading attributes. The ReadValueIds is an array of node ids and the attribute id it will read.

See Attributes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
ReadValueIdsArray of ReadValueIdContains the node ids and the attributes to read.


This the response when reading attributes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no attributes were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
ValuesArray of DataValueAn array containing the values of the attributes. The order is the same as in the Request


Used when writing attributes.

See Attributes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
WriteValuesArray of WriteValueContains the node id, the attributes and the values to be written.


This the response when writing attributes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were written.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
ValuesArray of StatusCodeAn array status of the write operation. The order is the same as in the Request


Used when reading raw history data.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
StartTimeDateTimeThe start time of the query
EndTimeDateTimeThe end time of the query
ReturnBoundsBooleanReturn bounds if truefalse
TimestampsToReturnInt32See TimestampsToReturn
ReadValueIdsArray of HistoryReadValueIdThe nodes to read history for
LimitLimitLimit the number of vales returned from the request


Response when reading raw history.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
HistoryReadResultsArray of HistoryDataValueResultAn array of historical values. The array is in the same order as the Request


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the node to read history from.
IndexRangeStringThe index reange.null
DataEncodingQualifiedNameThe data encoding.null


Represents a historical read result for one node id.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe id of the node which was read.
StatusCodeStatusCodeContains the status code of the historical read operations.
DataValuesArray of DataValueThe historical values.


Used when reading processed history data.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
StartTimeDateTimeThe start time of the query
EndTimeDateTimeThe end time of the query
ProcessingIntervaldoubleInterval between returned Aggregate values. The value 0 indicates that there is no ProcessingInterval defined. The value is given in milliseconds.
AggregateTypeNodeIdThe NodeId of the HistoryAggregate object that is to be used when retrieving the processed history.
AggregateNameStringThe name of the aggregate. Only one of AggregateName and AggregateType should be set simultaneously. AttributeType has precedence
TimestampsToReturnInt32See TimestampsToReturn
ReadValueIdsArray of HistoryAggregateReadValueIdThe nodes to read history for


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the node to read history from.
IndexRangeStringThe index reange.null
DataEncodingQualifiedNameThe data encoding.null
AggregateTypeNodeIdThe NodeId of the HistoryAggregate object that is to be used when retrieving the processed history.
AggregateNameStringThe name of the aggregate. Only one of AggregateName and AggregateType should be set simultaneously. AttributeType has precedence


Response when reading processed history.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
HistoryReadResultsArray of HistoryDataValueResultAn array of historical values. The array is in the same order as the Request


Used when getting aggregates from a server.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.


Response when reading history aggregates.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if aggregates could not be read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
AggregatesArray of HistoryAggregateAn array of aggregates available in the server.


Represents one aggregate option.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe id of the node representing the aggregate.
NameStringThe name of the aggregate.


Used when writing historical data to an OPC UA Server.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
UpdateDataDetailsArray of UpdateDataDetailsThe connection info.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
PerformInsertReplacePerformUpdateTypeDecides whether the data shall be inserted, updated or replaced.null
UpdateValuesArray of DataValueThe values to be written.


Response when writing historical data.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if aggregates could not be read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
HistoryUpdateResultsArray of HistoryUpdateResultThe result of the write operation.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe result of the operation.
OperationResultsarray of StatusCode
DiagnosticInfosArray of DiagnosticInfo


Used when reading event history.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
StartTimeDateTimeThe start time of the query
EndTimeDateTimeThe end time of the query
FieldsArray of StringThe event fields to include in the response
WhereClauseSimpleWhereClauseThe where clause used in the query
ReadValueIdsArray of HistoryReadValueIdThe nodes to read events history for
LimitLimitLimit the number of events returned from the request


Represents a where clause in an event history query.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
EventTypeNodedIdNodeIdThe node id of the event type of the events which shall be returned in the response. If null BaseEventType (i.e. all events) is used.null
AndWhereArray of SimpleExpressionA list of expressions which must all be true for the event to be returned.


Represents a logical expression used in an event history query.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
FieldStringThe node id of the event type of the events which shall be returned in the response. If null BaseEventType (i.e. all events) is used.null
OpInt32The operator in the expression. See FilterOperator for options
ValueVariantThe value which the field is compared against.


Response when reading event history.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
EventsResultArray of HistoryEventResultAn array of events


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the Request .
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe status of the query for this node.
HistoryEventsArray of EventMessageContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null


Represents a single event. The fields may not be present if the Request does not include the field.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TimeDateTimeThe time of the event.null
MessageStringThe message of the event.null
SourceNameStringThe name of the source where the event occurred.null
EventTypeNodeIdThe node id of the event type of the event.null
SeverityInt32The severity of the event. The higher the value the more severe the event.null
SourceNodeNodeIdThe node id of the source where the event occurred.null
ClientUserIdStringThe id of the user attached with the event for instance through an acknowledgenull
ActiveBooleanIndicates whether the event was active.null
AcknowledgedBooleanIndicates whether the event was acknowleged.null
EnabledBooleanIndicates whether the event was enabled.null
ConfirmedBooleanIndicates whether the event was confirmed.null
ConditionNameStringThe name of the condition if the event is of ConditionTypenull
CommentStringComment attached to the eventnull
EventTypeNameStringThe name of the event type this event belongs tonull
QualityTextStringThe quality represented as textnull


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
UpdatesArray of EventHistoryUpdateThe connection info.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
FieldsArray of StringThe fields to writenull
WhereClauseSimpleWhereClauseThe where clausenull
EventsArray of EventMessageThe events to writenull


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
HistoryUpdateResultsArray of HistoryUpdateResultThe results of the write operation.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
StartTimeDateTimeThe start time of the query
EndTimeDateTimeThe end time of the query
FilterEventFilterThe filter of the query. Decides which fields are returned, and the condition for returning an event.
ReadValueIdsArray of HistoryReadValueIdThe nodes to read events history for
LimitLimitLimit the number of events returned from the request


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
EventsResultArray of HistoryEventExtendedResultThe result of the read operation


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the Request .
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe status of the query for this node.
HistoryEventsArray of HistoryEventFieldListAn array of events


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
EventFieldsArray of VariantThe values of the event. The index of the collection corresponds to the index of the select clause in the query.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
UpdateEventDetailsArray of UpdateEventDetailsThe events to write


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
HistoryUpdateResultsArray of HistoryUpdateResultThe results of the write operation.


Represents a predefined event field.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NameStringThe name of the event field.
EventTypeIdNodeIdThe node id of the event type this field belongs to.
BrowsePathStringThe browse path of the field.
AttributeIdUInt32The attribute id of the event field.


Used when getting event types.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
BaseEventTypeNodeIdThe event type to get the inherited event types from.null means the BaseEventType (Node Id: 2041).
RecursiveBooleanGets all inherited event types recursively.True.
IncludeBaseEventTypeInResponseBooleanGets event type information of BaseEventType.True.


The response when getting event types.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if no values were read.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
EventTypesArray of EventTypeContains the event types


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
BrowseNameQualifiedNameThe qualified name of the event type.
DisplayNameStringThe display name of the event type.
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the event type.


This is used when adding a comment to an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
EventIdStringThe id of the event. See EventMessagenull
MessageLocalizedTextThe commentnull


The response when adding a comment.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if operation was successful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
StatusCodeStatusCodeContains status code of the add comment operation.


This is used when confirming an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
EventIdStringThe id of the event. See EventMessagenull
MessageLocalizedTextThe commentnull


The response when confirming an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if operation was successful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
StatusCodeStatusCodeContains status code of the confirm operation.


This is used when acknowledging an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
EventIdStringThe id of the event. See EventMessagenull
MessageLocalizedTextThe commentnull


The response when acknowledging an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if operation was successful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
StatusCodeStatusCodeContains status code of the acknowledge operation.


This is used when creating a subscription for events.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
SourceNodeIdNodeIdThe id of the node from where the events must occur. This includes nodes "below" this node in the hierarchy.
PublishingIntervalInt32This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. This interval is expressed in milliseconds.100
KeepAliveCountUInt32Requested lifetime count. The lifetime count shall be a minimum of three times the keep keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server.100
LifetimeCountUInt32Requested maximum keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client.100
MaxNotificationsPerPublishUInt32The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. A value of zero indicates that there is no limit.1000
FieldsArray of StringThe fields to be returned when an event occurs
WhereClauseSimpleWhereClauseThe condition that must be met for an event to be returned.


The response when creating an event.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if subscription was created.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
SubscriptionIdStringIf success this string contains the subscription id.


The response when an event occurs.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
SubscriptionIdStringThe id of the subscription.
EventsArray of EventMessageThe events.


This is used when closing a subscription for events.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
SubscriptionIdStringThe id of the subscription to close.


The response when closing an event subscription.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if subscription was closed successfully.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
SubscriptionIdStringThe id of the subscription.


This is used when creating a data value subscription

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
PublishingIntervalInt32This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. This interval is expressed in milliseconds.
KeepAliveCountUInt32Requested lifetime count. The lifetime count shall be a minimum of three times the keep keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server.
LifetimeCountUInt32Requested maximum keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client.
MaxNotificationsPerPublishUInt32The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. A value of zero indicates that there is no limit.
NodesArray of DataValueMonitoredItemThe nodes to subscribe to


This data type contains information regarding subscription of an item. The ClientHandle must set to a unique string for each node.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe id of the node to subscribe to.
ClientHandlestringId representing this node.


This filter decides when a data value is deemed to have changed.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TriggerInt32Decides when to trigger an data value changed event. See DataChangeTrigger
DeadbandTypeUInt32Decides which kind of dead band check to use. See DeadbandType
DeadbandValueDoubleThe dead band value.


The response when querying for namespaces.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if subscription was created successfully.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
SubscriptionIdStringIf success: the subscription id.


When data values have changed this is sent to the subscriber.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription id.
ValuesArray of NodeIdDataValueThe subscribed values which have changed.


Represents a change value. The ClientHandle corresponds to the ClientHandle in DataValueMonitoredItem.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientHandlestringThe handle given in DataValueMonitoredItem.
ValueVariantThe actual data value
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe status code


This is used when a data value subscription shall be closed.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription id.


Returend when data value subscription has been called.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if closed successfully.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.
SubscriptionIdStringThe subscription id.


Returned when data value subscription has been started.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if closed successfully.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.


The response when querying for namespaces.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanTrue if namespaces were read successfully.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
NamespacesArray of StringThe namespaces in the OPC UA server.


This is used when browsing for nodes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
ViewViewDescriptionThe view to browse. Is usually null.null
NodeToBrowseNodeIdThe id of the node to browse.
BrowseDirectionInt32The direction to browse. See BrowseDirection
ReferenceTypeIdNodeIdThe reference types to follow.
IncludeSubtypesBooleanInclude sub types of the specified ReferenceTypeId.
NodeClassMaskUInt32A mask indicating what kind of nodes to browse for. The node classes can be OR'ed'


This is used when browsing for nodes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
ViewViewDescriptionThe view to browse. Is usually null.null
NodesArray of BrowseNodesThe nodes to browse.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeToBrowseNodeIdThe id of the node to browse.
BrowseDirectionInt32The direction to browse. See BrowseDirection
ReferenceTypeIdNodeIdThe reference types to follow.
IncludeSubtypesBooleanInclude sub types of the specified ReferenceTypeId.
NodeClassMaskUInt32A mask indicating what kind of nodes to browse for. The node classes can be OR'ed'


The response after a Browse, BrowseNext or GetChildren call.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if browse was unsuccesful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
BrowseResultBrowseResultThe result of a browse call


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ReferencesArray of ReferenceDescriptionThe references found.
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe status code of the browse.


The response after a BrowseMulti, BrowsePropertiesMulti call.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if browse was unsuccesful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
BrowseResultsArray of BrowseResultThe result of a browse call


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
ParentNodeIdThe parent for which we want to browse for children.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
NodeIdNodeIdThe node for which we want to browse for properties.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
NodeIdsArray of NodeIdThe nodes for which we want to browse for properties.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ClientNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces the client uses.null
ConnectionConnectionThe connection info.
BrowsePathsArray of QualifiedNamePathThe browse paths to find node ids for.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
StartingNodeNodeIdThe node id of the starting node of the relative path.null
RelativePathArray of QualifiedNameThe relative path described by browse names.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SuccessBooleanFalse if browse was unsuccesful.
ErrorMessageStringOnly present if Success is false, and contains error message.
ErrorCodeInt32Only present if Success is false, and contains the error code.
ServerNamespacesArray of StringContains the namespaces on the server.null if the corresponding request's' ClientNamespaces was null
BrowsePathResultsArray of BrowsePathResultContains the node ids of the browse path request


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
StatusCodeStatusCodeIndicating whether the request was successful
TargetsArray of BrowsePathTargetThe targets of the browse paths.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TargetIdExpandedNodeIdThe node id of the target
RemainingPathIndexUInt32The index of the first unprocessed element in the RelativePath. This value shall be equal to the maximum value of Index data type if all elements were processed .


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SelectClausesArray of SimpleAttributeOperandFields to be selected
WhereClauseContentFilterThe condition an event must meet to be returned in a query.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TypeDefinitionIdNodeIdThe event type id.
BrowsePathArray of QualifiedNameThe browsepath for the field.
AttributeIdUInt32The attribute id of value of the field.
IndexRangestringThe index range of the value.null


From the OPC Foundation's OPC UA specification:

The ContentFilter structure defines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria. Each element in the collection describes an operator and an array of operands to be used by the operator. The operators that can be used in a ContentFilter are described in FilterOperator. The filter is evaluated by evaluating the first entry in the element array starting with the first operand in the operand array. The operands of an element may contain References to sub-elements resulting in the evaluation continuing to the referenced elements in the element array. The evaluation shall not introduce loops. For example evaluation starting from element A shall never be able to return to element A. However there may be more than one path leading to another element B.If an element cannot be traced back to the starting element it is ignored. Extra operands for any operator will result in an error.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ElementsArray of ContentFilterElementAn array of content filter elements making up the where clause.


MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
FilterOperatorFilterOperatorThe filter operator.
FilterOperandsArray of ExtensionObjectThe operands in the filter expression.

OPC UA Data types


ByteString is a sequence of bytes.
A ByteString is represented by a base64 encoded string in JavaScript.


Represents an XML element.
Not supported


The NodeId data type represents an OPC UA Node.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
IdNumeric, String, Guid, OpaqueThe id of the node
IdTypeUInt16The id type of the node. Numeric = 0, String = 1, Guid = 2, Opaque = 30
NamespaceUInt16The namspace index of the namespace the node id belongs to0

JSON Examples

Below are listed some JSON examples and the corresponding values.



A node id that stores the namespace URI instead of the namespace index.


A StatusCode in OPC UA is numerical value that is used to report the outcome of an operation performed by an OPC UA Server. The StatusCode is a 32-bit unsigned integer. The top 16 bits represent the numeric value of the code that shall be used for detecting specific errors or conditions. The bottom 16 bits are bit flags that contain additional information but do not affect the meaning of the StatusCode.

See Status codes for possible status codes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
CodeUInt32The status code
SymbolStringThe textual representation

JSON Examples



A string qualified with a namespace.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NameStringThe text portion of the QualifiedName
UriUInt16Index that identifies the namespace that defines the name.0

JSON Examples



A localized text string with a locale identifier

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TextStringThe text
LocaleStringThe locale for the localized text.""

JSON Examples



An opaque object with a syntax that may be unknown to the receiver Not supported


A diagnostic information associated with a result code

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
SymbolicIdInt32The index of the symbolic id in the string table.
NamespaceUriInt32The index of the namespace uri in the string table.""
LocaleInt32The index of the locale associated with the localized text.""
LocalizedTextInt32The index of the localized text in the string table.""
AdditionalInfoStringThe additional debugging or trace information.""
InnerStatusCodeStatusCodeThe status code returned from an underlying system.""
InnerDiagnosticInfoDiagnosticInfoThe diagnostic info returned from a underlying system.""


The Limit data type defines the structure to limit the request to a certain number of values.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
StartIndexInt32The index from where to return elements
NumRecordsUInt16THe number of elements to return


The ReadValueId data type is used when reading attributes.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id to read
AttributeIdUInt32The id of the attribute to read

JSON Examples



The variant represents a value. The value can be of a number of data types. The variant will be serialized differently depending on the actual data type it represents.
The different data types which can be represented by a variant is listed below.

0NullAn invalid or unspecified value.
1BooleanA boolean logic value (true or false)
2SByteAn 8 bit signed integer value.
3ByteAn 8 bit unsigned integer value.
4Int16A 16 bit signed integer value
5UInt16A 16 bit unsigned integer value
6Int32A 32 bit signed integer value
7UInt32A 32 bit unsigned integer value
8Int64A 64 bit signed integer value
9UInt64A 64 bit unsigned integer value
10FloatAn IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value
11DoubleAn IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value
12StringA sequence of Unicode characters
13DateTimeAn instance in time
14GuidA 128-bit globally unique identifier
15ByteStringA sequence of bytes
16XmlElementAn XML element
17NodeIdAn identifier for a node in the address space of a UA server
18ExpandedNodeIdA node id that stores the namespace URI instead of the namespace index
19StatusCodeA structured result code
20QualifiedNameA string qualified with a namespace
21LocalizedTextA localized text string with an locale identifier
22ExtensionObjectAn opaque object with a syntax that may be unknown to the receiver
23DataValueA data value with an associated quality and timestamp
24VariantAny of the other built-in types
25DiagnosticInfoA diagnostic information associated with a result code

The JavaScript data structure will look like this:

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
TypeByteThe Variant type (Id)
BodyAnyDepends on the Type

JSON Examples

Float (10)87.34{"Type":10,"Body":87.34}
Guid (14)f114f6cf-31e0-43c8-9c22-399570312496{"Type":14,"Body":"f114f6cf-31e0-43c8-9c22-399570312496"}


The data value is returned when reading an attribute.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
ValueVariantThe actual data value
StatusCodeStatusCodeThe status code


The write value is used when writing an attribute.

MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id
AttributeIdInt32The attribute id
ValueDataValueThe value to be written

JSON Examples



MembersData typeDescriptionDefault value
NodeIdNodeIdThe node id of the reference
IsForwardBooleanTrue if forward reference
ValueDataValueThe value to be written
ReferenceTypeIdNodeIdThe node id of the reference type
BrowseNameQualifiedNameThe browse name of the referenced node
DisplayNameLocalizedTextThe display name of the referenced node
NodeClassNodeClassThe node class of the referenced node
TypeDefinitionNodeIdThe node id of the type definition of the reference node


The list below contains all the available filter operators used in SimpleExpression.

Note that not all of the operators make sense in a SimpleExpression.



This int can be 4 values:

Return the source timestamp0
Return the Server timestamp1
Return both the source and Server timestamps2
Return neither timestamp3


This int can be 3 values:



A node class is represented by an int:








Primitive Data types

The common data types are the building blocks of the more complex data types. The data types are mapped to their corresponding JavaScript data types.


A string is a sequence of characters.
String is native to JavaScript.


A boolean logic value (true or false).
Boolean is native to JavaScript.


An 8 bit signed integer value.
SByte is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


An 8 bit unsigned integer value.
Byte is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 16 bit signed integer value.
Int16 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 16 bit unsigned integer value.
UInt16 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 32 bit signed integer value.
Int32 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 32 bit unsigned integer value.
UInt32 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 64 bit signed integer value.
Int64 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A 64 bit unsigned integer value.
UInt64 is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value.
Float is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value.
Double is represented as a Numeric in JavaScript.


A GUID is a 128-bit globally unique identifier.
A GUID will be represented as a string in a JavaScript-object.



A DateTime represents a point in time.
A DateTime will be represented as a string in a JavaScript-object.

