Control Ports
The control ports are ports used to control the module operations. These ports are always visible, and located at the bottom of the component.
The active port activates the module. If the boolean port value is set to true, the Kalman filter computations are performed. When false, the Kalman filter is inactive.
MPC Active
This is a boolean port used to control the computation sequence of the Kalman filter. When false, the Kalman filter predictions are executed at the end of each computation cycle. When true, the predictions are executed at the start of each computation cycle, utilizing the newest possible input values for measurements, control values and disturbances. The port should be set to true when the Kalman filter is used in a closed loop with the Apis MPC controller.
Update exported model
This boolean port controls updating of the exported model. When false, the exported model is not updated.
Meas. status
This vector port is used to set the Kalman filter in ballistic mode, and has the same dimension as the output (measurement) port. The elements of the vector port indicates the state of the corresponding measurement. When an element is set to 1, the Kalman filter is updated in respect to the corresponding measurement. When the element is set to false, the Kalman filter runs ballistic in respect to the corresponding measurement.