
The menu bar consists of menus performing different tasks on the client and server. Consider the tool bar for additional operations.


File commandShortcut keyTask
NewCtrl+NCreates a new application.
Open...Ctrl+OOpen an existing application.
SaveCtrl+SSave the current application
Save as...Save the current application a specific filename.
Load states...Load a states file.
Save states...Save the states file.
Import connections...Import port and I/O connections.
Export connections...Export port and I/O connections.
PrintPrints the configuration pane.
PreferencesOpens the preferences dialog.


Application commandShortcut keyTask
Create MFC...Creates a new ModFrame component.


Edit commandShortcut keyTask
CutCtrl+XCuts the selected components.
CopyCtrl+CCopies the selected components.
PasteCtrl+VPastes the cut or copied elements.
DeleteDeleteDeletes the selected components.


View commandShortcut keyTask
Properties...Opens the application view dialog.
View definition...Opens the view dialog.
Layer definition...Opens the layer dialog.
Create plot...Creates a historical plot tab.
Grids...Opens the grid dialog.


View commandShortcut keyTask
Properties...Opens the application view dialog.
View definition...Opens the view dialog.
Layer definition...Opens the layer dialog.
Create plot...Creates a historical plot tab.
Grids...Opens the grid dialog.