

The name of the ModFrame component. This name will be visible below the ModFrame component in the ModFrame Client configuration panel.

The name of a ModFrame component must be unique within the container it resides in.

Vector length

The length of the generated vectors

Vector delay

The number of vectors buffered. Each time the AccumulateNewVector signal is called the current vectors are shifted in the buffer. If the buffer is of equal length as this property, the oldest vector will be discarded.

Accumulation rules

Specifies when the input value is written to the accumulated vector.

The options are

  • First value - The value will be accumulated when the index port value is changed.
  • Last value - The value will be accumulated continuously (this means that the last value will be accumulated).

Initial element value

Specifies the value of the elements prior to being set. All elements not set by the index/value pair will maintain this value.

The options are:

  • NaN - The initial value will be NaN (Not a number).
  • 0.0 - The initial value will be 0.0.