ApisBare Command line - Backing up your configuration
Backing up your configuration
If run with the command Backup [Filename]
, it will make a backup of the configuration
into the specified file. Note that the full path to the backupfile must be specified.
If other files are detected in the instances' configurations, they will be placed in
a subdirectory with the name of the corresponding instance.
These instance subdirectories will be created in the same directory as the backupfile.
If a Hive instance contains a chronical event database, this database will be
backed up into the file [InstanceName].chr
Honeystore data-backup will be placed in one subdirectory per database. Each database subdirectory will contain the files:
- Metainfo for the items backed up[DatabaseName].bin.blockdata
- Raw blocks of data
When appending to an incremental backup, the specified filename should be for the
original (root) entry. For each time an incremental backup is made, a new backup file will be
written with a sequence number appended. Ie. if backup.cfg is the root backup, the first
incremental backup configuration will be stored in backup.cfg.1. The same concept is used
for the subfolders containing honeystore datafiles. When appending an incremental backup,
chronical incremental data will be appended to the existing backupfile.
I.e. [InstanceName].chr.1
will not be created.