
The OPC module has the following properties:

Standard properties

ComputerThe computer hosting the OPC server.1000Persisted, Computer
DataSourceThis property tells the OPC server how to retrieve its data. 'Cache' means that the OPC server should use any internal cached data, 'Device' means that the OPC server should refresh the data from any underlying device (ie. PLC)1019Persisted, Enumerated
DeadbandPercent deadband for item updates, when ReadMode is subscribe.1022Persisted
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
ReadModeHow items are beeing read from the server.1020Persisted, Enumerated
ServerThe ProgID of the OPC server. Can also use a class ID directly, eg. if the class id is known and server browsing is unavailable.1001Persisted, Enumerated, ProgID
UpdaterateUpdaterate in milli-seconds for the items, when ReadMode is Subscribe x.0. When ReadMode is Asynch I/O, the intervall between each issued Refresh call. When ReadMode is Synch I/O, the intervall betweean each Read call.1021Persisted
WriteModeHow items are being written to the server.1030Persisted, Enumerated

Advanced properties

CmnItemIDPrefixCommon source ItemId prefix. This string will prefix each item's 'ItemID' when communicating with the OPC server. Items in this module will have names without this prefix in the Apis namespace.1012Persisted, ExpertPage
DelayServerConnectDelay server connect on startup, connection will be performed when all modules are fully initialized.1045Persisted, ExpertPage
ForceOutOfProcPrevent the opc server from beeing loadad into the memory space of Apis.1010Persisted, ExpertPage
ForceRefreshOnConnectBy enabling this with subscription (1.0 or 2.0), the client will request a distinct refresh of all items from the server after a connect. Note that the OPC server should refresh all items afer an Advise, this is a feature for working with OPC servers that do not meet the specifiaction regarding this.1007Persisted, ExpertPage
GroupActiveActive flag for the group. Automatic item activation will cause this flag to change dynamically when needed.1033ExpertPage
ItemActivationItem activation strategy.1034Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
ItemActiveTimeoutThe interval in seconds to wait before an item is deactivated when there has been no reads from the item. (Only for 'ItemActivation' = 'automatic with timeout')1036Persisted, ExpertPage
ItemPropSyncWhen to synchronize OPC DA properties with Apis item attributes1038Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
NumberOfRedundantServersThe maximum number of redundant servers for this instance, valid range is 0-5.2000Persisted, ExpertPage
ReconnectSrvShutdownReconnect after an intended OPC server shutdown. This might cause problems when administering the OPC server.1008Persisted, ExpertPage
ReconnectTimeThe time to wait before attempting to reconnect the server after an RPC failure, or time interval for watchdog evaluation if watchdog is configured.1006Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
RedundantCmnItemIDPrefix_xCommon source ItemId prefix for the redundant server 'x'. This string will prefix each item's 'ItemID' when communicating with the OPC server. Items in this module will have names without this prefix in the Apis namespace.20x2Persisted, ExpertPage
RedundantComputer_xThe computer hosting the redundant OPC server 'x', if configured.20x0Persisted, Computer, ExpertPage
RedundantServer_xThe ProgID of the redundant OPC server 'x', if configured.20x1Persisted, Enumerated, ProgID, ExpertPage
SerializeCallsToOPCServerSet this property to <true> if the OPC Server is not handling simultaneous calls properly.1042Persisted, ExpertPage

A strategy for server communication monitoring. This can be useful when dealing with erronous servers that stop to operate correctly. Values are:

  • none=0
  • Restart if update interval > ReconnectTime
  • Restart if watchdog item(s) update interval > ReconnectTime
  • Restart if watchdog item(s) update or bad quality interval > ReconnectTime
1039Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
ServerWatchdogItemsSet to one or more local items, when using a ServerWatchdog utilizing watchdog item(s)1043Persisted, ApisLocalItem, ExpertPage
SrvConfigFileThe configuration file of the server. This file is used with the optional IPersistFile implementation of the OPC server.1004DSN, ExpertPage
SrvLCIDLocale ID of values coming from the server. You might need to specify this property if the OPC server provides string values that is converted to another type in your client (e.g. DDE bridges)1018Persisted, ExpertPage
SrvPasswordThe password used to connect to the OPC server object (if needed)1003Persisted, Password, ExpertPage
SrvUserThe username used to connect to the OPC server object (if needed)1002Persisted, User, ExpertPage
SuppressVendorQualityWhen true, any vendor specific item quality will be suppressed, only the standard OPC Foundation bits of the quality flag, will be set for item qualities1025Persisted, ExpertPage
TimeReferenceItemAn item who's value will be used as the time reference for this module instead of the system time, when timestamping items.200Persisted, ApisItem, ExpertPage
TraceOPCServerReport specific OPC calls, return from those calls, as well as callbacks to the log files for log view in Apis Management Studio.1040Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
TraceToFileIf set, all OPC calls and callbacks will be traced to this file. Should only be used for short time periods and for verbose troubleshooting of communication.1041Persisted, File, ExpertPage
UseApisTimeUse Apis timestamps instead of the timestamps given by the OPC server.1023Persisted, ExpertPage

Information properties

DebugInfoDebug information for advanced troubleshooting1058ReadOnly, InfoPage
DescriptionThis module connects to an OPC server, and provides access to OPC items.  
ExternalItem reportA status-report for the External Item manager of this module110InfoPage
RedundantSrvCLSID_xThe CLSID of the redundant OPC server 'x', if configured.20x3Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvActiveCurrently active server, when using redundant severs, this tells which of the two that is currently set as active server (Primary / Redundant).1046ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvBandWidthThe approximate percent of bandwith in use by the OPC server1055ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvCapabilitiesThe capabilities of the OPC server.1048Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvCLSIDThe CLSID of the OPC server.1005Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvCurrentTimeThe current time (UTC) as known by the OPC server.1051ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvGroupCountThe total number of groups (all public and private) being managed by the OPC server1054ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvStartTimeThe time (UTC) the OPC server was started.1050ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvStateThe current status of the OPC server1053ReadOnly, Enumerated, InfoPage
SrvVendorInfoVendor specific information about the OPC server1057Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvVersionThe version number of the OPC server (major-minor-build)1056Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
VersionVersion of this module  


SrvAvgItemsPerCallThe average number of items in each update call.1064ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvLastPendWCTIDThe last pending write complete transaction ID.1092ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvLastUpdateIntervalWhen ReadMode is Subscribe or Asynch I/O, the time in seconds between the last two updates. When ReadMode is Sync I/O, the time interval between the last successful Reads.1061ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvLastUpdateTIDThe last update or read transaction ID that was received.1072ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvLastWCTIDThe last received write complete transaction ID.1094ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentUpdateInvalidThe percentage of all updated items that was invalid (e.g. unknown item handles).1070ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentUpdateSuccessThe percentage of all updated items that have been updated with success.1066ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentUpdateUnneccessaryThe percentage of all updated items that was unneccessary (neither value nor quality had changed).1068ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentWriteCmplFailThe percentage of all write complete items that have failed.1088ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentWriteCmplInvalidThe percentage of all write complete items that was invalid (e.g. unknown item handles).1090ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvPercentWriteCmplSuccessThe percentage of all write complete items that have succeded.1086ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvUpdateCallsThe number of times the OPC server has called back to this client with updated item values.1062PerformancePage
SrvUpdateTimeThe time the OPC server sent the last data value update to this client, as known by the server.1052ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvUpdateTimeClientWhen ReadMode is Subscribe or Asynch I/O, the time when this client received the last update, as known by the client. When ReadMode is Synch I/O, the time of the last successful Read.1060ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SrvWriteCmplCallsThe number of times the OPC server has called back to this client with updated item values.1082PerformancePage
SrvWriteCmplTimeClientThe time when this client received the last write complete call, as known by the client.1080ReadOnly, PerformancePage
SuppressVendorQualityWhen true, any vendor specific item quality will be suppressed, only the standard OPC Foundation bits of the quality flag, will be set for item qualities1025Persisted, ExpertPage

See also

Module Properties