Apis Modbus Master

This module communicates with Modbus slave as a Modbus master using Modbus RTU or TCP

Provider: Prediktor


Commands And Events

The Modbus module has the following item types





Command Item

State Item

More information

Quick Start Guide

Modbus Specifications and Implementation Guides

Characteristics of the Apis Modbus Master module:

  • Implements Modbus Master

  • Supports: Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU over TCP/IP and Modbus RTU (serial)

  • Support redundant slaves in TCP mode

  • Uses following Modbus function codes:

    • 1 Read Coil status

    • 2 Read Input status

    • 3 Read Holding registers

    • 4 Read Input registers

    • 5 Force single Coil

    • 6 Preset single Register

    • 16 Preset multiple Registers

  • Supports following data types

    • 2 byte signed int

    • 4 byte signed int

    • 2 byte unsigned int

    • 4 byte unsigned int

    • 8 byte unsigned int

    • 4 byte float

    • 8 byte float

    • Unicode String

    • ACSII String

  • Endianness

    • Big-endian

    • Little-endian

  • Bit numbering

    • MSB..LSB

    • LSB..MSB

Further, as an integrated module in the Apis Hive, the following optional features are available:

  • High performance data logging to the Apis Honeystore historian, with OPC Historical Data Access server interface