
The Scenario module has the following properties:

ActiveThis is the property for disable or activate the execution of the scenario.1700Persisted, Enumerated
AllowScenarioRestartSet this value to true to allow that the sceario execution to restart when execution criteria 'END' fulfils.2250Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage

This property specifies how scenario variable are defined either ‘User defined’ in the scenario file by appearing on the left side of an assignment, or ‘Predefined’ by configuration in Apis (Explicitly, Implicitly). The default value is ‘User defined’.

If is also possible to have an combination of both which is ‘All’

1800Persisted, Enumerated
ExecutionErrorCountThe numbers of errors counted during execution1950InfoPage
ExecutionLastUpdateDateThe datetime for when the apis namespace was last updated by the scenario bee.2000PerformancePage
ExecutionRateThe periode in ms of the execution of the scenario file. The minimum execution rate is 250 ms1850Persisted
ExecutionStartDateThe start time for when the execution was started1900InfoPage
ExecutionStatusThe status of the execution NotRunning, running, finished, etc.2050Enumerated, PerformancePage
FileChangeTimeoutThe maximum amount of milliseconds to wait for a file change notification to occur before the scenario file is manually scanned for change(s).2200Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
FreshestValueWhen TRUE, all items will be read directly from their physical source to receive the freshest possible values.2010Persisted, ExpertPage
ReportDetailInfoBy setting this to false only the count of info, warning and error messages will be reported to the log files for log view in Apis Management Studio2400Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
ScenariofileLastLoadedThe time the scenario file was last loaded2300InfoPage
ScenarioFilePathThe file name path for the scenario file1750Persisted, File
TagAccessFilterThis property specifies which tag’s can be accessed if the AssigmentMode is defined as ‘Predefined’ (Implicitly). The variable names can either be specified like this <<ModuleName>>.<<VariableName>> or wild card ‘*’ can be used. The different names are separated by ‘;’1875Persisted

See also Module Properties