
Each APIS Hive instance contains a dedicated APIS Chronical database. The configuration properties for each APIS Chronical database is accessed through APIS Management Studio.

The following properties are available:

Name Description Default value Access
Loglevel Specifies the verbosity of logmessages produced by the eventserver\. Warnings RW
Runmode Either "Online", "Admin", or "Offline"\. In "Online" mode, the database is running normally\. In "Admin" mode, database metadata can be modified, but events will not be processed or stored\. In "Offline" mode, the database is closed and only the runmode property can be modified\. Online RW
Database horizon Number of days to keep event history\. The value \-1 means "Forever", and the value "0" means that no history will be stored\. A value of e\.g\. 365 means that one year of event history will be stored in the database\. 0 RW
Datafile period The time\-period covered by each datafile, in steps from 7\.2 minutes to 0\.9 years\. This setting affects the number of datafiles and the size of each datafile in the database\. 1\.5 weeks R
Archive block size Each datafile consist of one or more archives, and this setting controls the size of the archive block header\. 16KB RW
Event block size Each datafile archive consist of one or more eventblocks, and this setting controls the size of new, uncompressed eventblocks 256KB RW
Event block count Number of events per event block 1024 RW
Event block compression LZ4 acceleration level for datafile event blocks 4 RW
Cache queue size Size of the event cache queue \(number of events\)\. When modified, the new setting takes effect after a restart of APIS Hive\. 16384 RW
Cache block count Number of blocks in the cache file 16 R
Cache block size Size of each block in the cache file 4MB R
Cache flush interval Number of milliseconds between each flush\-operation on the cache file 10000 RW
Monitor queue size Size of the event monitor queue \(number of events\)\. When modified, the new setting takes effect for new event subscriptions\. 4096 RW
Persist state Enables/disables persisting of the current event state at shutdown Disabled RW
Persist state interval Number of milliseconds between each state snapshot 10000 RW