
The SecsGemHost module has the following properties:

ConnectedStatus if Apis is connected to equipment.1060InfoPage
ConnectedTimeLast time host connected equipment.1075InfoPage
DeviceIDA number between 0 and 32767 used in identifying the particular piece of equipment communicating with a host. The message transfer protocol must be capable of identifying the device ID (0–32767) which indicates the source or destination of a message (default: 0).1140Persisted
EnableIf true the module will try to connect the equipment with IP address and port number specified (default: false).1010Persisted
Enable AlarmsBy enabling this the host will enalbe configured alarms on the Equipment. The AlarmID's to subscribe is done be setting the value on item AlarmSubscription.The type of alarm supporetd is eitherGEM (S5F1) or PV2 (S6F11). Default is disabled1156Persisted, Enumerated
Enable OnlineRequestUsed to set if equipment supports Online Request capability (default: true).1151Persisted
Enable SpoolingUsed to set if equipment support spooling (default: false).1152Persisted
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
ExternalItem reportA status-report for the External Item manager of this module110InfoPage
InitiateConnectionSet this value too true if you want the host to be the active part in InitiateConnection and Initiate On-Line-ID (default: true).1150Persisted
IP-AddressThe IP address of the equipment (only used when 'ActiveMode' is selected).You can not specify host name, only IP address (default:, TcpIpAddr
LastMsgRcvLast message received from equipment.1070InfoPage
LastMsgSendLast message send to equipment.1065InfoPage
LinkTest TimeoutThe timeout between sending control HSMS characters LinkTest (default 20 sec).1015Persisted, ExpertPage
ListeningStatus of listen socket if Pasive mode is used.1055InfoPage
Log SECS BitPatternThis will log all bits and bytes recived on the socket to the log file so used this care (default: false).1180Persisted, ExpertPage
MaxCountMessageFilesMaxCountMessageFiles specifies the maximum number of MessageLog files the module writes to MessageLogDirectory before it starts to delete. The value selected must be between 10 and 500. Default value is 1001220Persisted
MaxParseTimeThe maximum time used to parse a SF message [ms].1090PerformancePage
MaxSendLinkRequestTimeThe maximum time used to send a Linktest.req [ms].1095PerformancePage
MessageBrokerTimeLast time messages was requested from MessageBroker.1080InfoPage
MessageLogDirectoryMessageLogDirectory specifies a valid directory, all messages will be written to text-files into this directory. If property is blank, no text files will be written.1210Persisted, Folder
Multiblock EnabledIf this is enabled Multiblock/Grant request will be used if the size of the message is to large (default: true).1135Persisted
OperationModeThe type of operation mode for the SECS HostPasiveMode (equal to a server) listen for incomming connectionActiveMode (equal to a client) takes the initiaive to connect (default: ActiveMode).1110Persisted, ReadOnly, Enumerated
PortThis property depends on the what has been select in the property 'OperationMode'PasiveMode is the listen port for incomming connectionActiveMode is the port to use when connect to an equipment (default: 7000).1130Persisted
RequestSpoolDataThe type of spool request to do on equipment at connect (default: TransmitSpooledMessages).1153Persisted, Enumerated
ResetSpooling At ShutdownBy enabling this the spooling will be stoped when Apis module is stoped (default: false).1154Persisted
SECS log fileThe file name for SECS II messages send and received (default: "").1170Persisted, ExpertPage
SECS log file MaxsizeThe max size of the log file before it get recycled (Default value=5.000.000 [bytes]).1160Persisted, ExpertPage
T3-Reply TimeoutSpecifies maximum amount of time an entity expecting a reply message will wait for that reply (1-120 seconds, default 45 sec).1020Persisted, ExpertPage
T5-ConnectionSeparation TimeoutConnection Separation Timeout.Specifies the amount of time which must elapse between successive attempts to connect to a remote entity (1-240 seconds, default 10 sec).1025Persisted, ExpertPage
T6-ControlTransaction TimeOutSpecifies the time which a control transaction may remain open before it is considered a communication failure (1-240 seconds, default 5 sec).1030Persisted, ExpertPage
T7-NotSelected Timeout.Time which a TCP/IP connection can remain in NOT SELECTED state (i.e. , no HSMS activity) before it is considered a communication failure (1-240 seconds, default 10 sec).1035Persisted, ExpertPage
T8-NetworkIntercharacter TimoutMaximum time between successive bytes of single HSMS message which may expire before it is considered a communication failure (1-120 seconds, default 5 sec).1040Persisted, ExpertPage
UseLogSynchEventBy setting this propery to 'true' no new SecsMessage received will be handled before the logger has reported logger event 'LogDone' (default=false).1012Persisted, ExpertPage

See also Module Properties