OpcUa Connection Item
An item used to configure the connection to one OpcUa server. This connection setup can then be used by the OpcUa and OpcUaProxy modules, and/or be part of an OpcUa cluster,
The OpcUa connection item has the following standard properties:
Name | Description | ID | Flags |
Name | The name selected for the OpcUa connection configuration. | ||
Endpoint URL | The server endpoint, e.g. 'opc.tcp://servername:4880' | 10010 | Persisted |
Reverse connection | If true, the endpoint URL is used for reverse connections | 10016 | Persisted |
Security mode | The level of security used when communicating with this server (one of 'None', 'Sign', 'Sign and encrypt') | 10020 | Persisted, Enumerated |
Security policy | The security policy used when communicating with this server. | 10021 | Persisted, Enumerated |
Authentication | The type of authentication to use when connecting to this server (one of 'Anonymous', 'Username/password') | 10030 | Persisted, Enumerated |
Username | The username to use when authenticating with the server. | 10031 | Persisted |
Password | The password to use when authenticating with the server. | 10032 | Persisted, Password |
Pki provider | The Pki (certificate) provider to use when 'Security mode' is different from 'None', or 'Authentication' is different from 'Anonymous'. | 10040 | Persisted, Enumerated |
Application certificate (SSL) | The name of the file containing the application certificate that will be sent to the server. If not specified, the default SSL application certificate for the Apis instance will be used. | 10041 | Persisted |
Application private key (SSL) | The name of the file containing the private key for the application certificate. If not specified, the default SSL private key for the Apis instance will be used. | 10042 | Persisted |
Server certificate (SSL) | The name of the file containing a copy of the servers application certificate. | 10043 | Persisted |
Storage path (SSL) | The path to the root PKI directory. If not specified, the default pki directory for this Apis instance will be used (<INSTALL_DIR>\Config\<INSTANCE_NAME>\pki). | 10044 | Persisted |
Application certificate (W32) | The subject-name of the application certificate that will be sent to the server. If not specified, the default Windows certificate for the Apis instance will be used. | 10050 | Persisted |
Server certificate (W32) | The subject-name of the servers application certificate. | 10051 | Persisted |
Storage path (W32) | Name of the folder in Windows Certificate Store where the application- and server-certificates are stored. | 10052 | Persisted |
The OpcUa connection item has the following advanced properties:
Name | Description | ID | Flags |
Watchdog interval | The number of seconds between each read of the servers status-variable. When one such read-operation fails, a reconnect sequence will be started. | 10060 | Persisted |
Reconnect interval | The number of seconds between each reconnect attempt when the server is not responding. | 10061 | Persisted |
Rpc timeout | The number of seconds to wait for rpc replies. | 10070 | Persisted |
Session timeout | The number of seconds to keep the session alive in the server when there is no rpc requests from the client. | 10071 | Persisted |
Token timeout | The number of seconds between security token renewals. | 10072 | Persisted |
Cluster | When specified, this connection item becomes part of the selected cluster. | 10090 | Persisted, Enumerated |
The OpcUa connection item has the following informational properties:
Name | Description | ID | Flags |
Servicelevel | The last servicelevel received from the server. This is used for automatic failover between servers in a cluster. | 10060 | Persisted |