
The FileReader module has the following properties:

Alarm commandThe command executed when there hasn't been any file update in 'TimeToAlarm' milliseconds in the specified directory. This typically is the full path to an executable or similar.1610Persisted, ExpertPage
Alarm command parametersThe parameters sent to the command in 'Alarm command'.1620Persisted, ExpertPage
Completion port handleThe handle of the I/O completion port in use.50120InfoPage
Database loginSame as User ID in connection string. If blank, integrated security will be used.10005Persisted, User, ExpertPage
Database login passwordUsed when Database login is other than blank.10006Persisted, Password, ExpertPage
Database nameThe name of the database on given server, used in connection string.10004Persisted, ExpertPage
Database serverThe server machine where the database exists, used in connection string.10003Persisted, ExpertPage
Directory handleThe handle of the monitored directory.50110InfoPage
FavorArrayItemsWhen 'true', the module tell it's file parser object to use vector and matrices as item types when applicable.10000Persisted, ExpertPage
FileChangeTimeoutThe maximum amount of milliseconds to wait for a file change notification to occur before the directory is manually scanned for filechange(s).1350Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
FileChangeToParseDelayA delay in milliseconds indicating how long to wait from a file is detected as changed until it is actually being parsed by the FileParserObject.1400Persisted, ExpertPage
Filename PatternA filename pattern including the path for files that will be sent to the parser1150Persisted, File
FilenamePatternA filename pattern that The ProgID of the component actually parsing the file in question1200Persisted, Hidden, File
FileParserThe ProgID identifying the parser component used by this module when parsing the file(s).1300Persisted, Enumerated, ProgID
FileParser debug trace fileIf specified, the complete filename of a tracefile used for debugging from parsers. Whether or not a file is generated, is parser specific behavior. If empty, no tracefile will be used.10009Persisted, File, ExpertPage
FileReader trace fileIf set, internal file update handling of the ApisFileReaderBee will be traced to this file. Should only be used for short time periods and for verbose troubleshooting of file update dynamics.2000Persisted, File, ExpertPage
Honeystore databaseIf applicable, the name of the Honeystore database to use for parser component.10008Persisted, ExpertPage
LastFileChangeTimeThe time of the last notification of a matching file-change the module has registered.100000PerformancePage
LastFileParserFileNameThe name of file last parsed.103000PerformancePage
LastFileParserFileTimeUsageThe time used by the file-parser to handle last file update.102000PerformancePage
LastUpdatedItemCountThe number of items updated by the last file-change notification.101000PerformancePage
Locale IDThe locale ID to be used when parsing files.10001Persisted, ExpertPage
Offset from UTCThe offset from UTC can be used by the parser component when handling files. Norwegian timezone is +60.10002Persisted, ExpertPage
Parser specific enumThis property may have meaning for some types of parsers, other may not use it.10007Persisted, DynamicEnumeration, ExpertPage
ScanDirectoryOnStartIf true, the SourceDirectory will be scanned once upon startup to look for matching files, if false directory will be scanned on startup but depend on directory changes and/or FileChangeTimeout for first scan.1340Persisted, ExpertPage
SourceDirectoryThe directory which the module shall monitor for file changes.1100Persisted, Hidden, Folder
TimeToAlarmThe time in milliseconds that the module delays when lack of fileupdates until the alarm action specified in the 'Alarm command' property is executed.1600Persisted, ExpertPage
UseApisTimeUse Apis timestamps instead of the timestamps given by the parser component.1500Persisted, ExpertPage

See also Module Properties