General Module Properties

The properties of a module depend on the module type. There are, however, some properties common to all modules, which may or may not be exposed by a specific module type.

Common module properties

The following properties may apply to any modules in Apis Hive.

Standard properties

Name Description Type ID
ExchangeRate The exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values. 4 byte integer 100

Advanced properties

Name Description Type ID
ExtItem full refresh When true, the external items manager will force a full refresh initially on start/reset when reading items. I.e. items not yet initialized in their source, will also trigger an external item update. Default is true. bool 150
TimeReferenceItem An item who's value will be used as a time reference for this module instead of the system time. string 200
ExtItemCalculationSequence Decides whether data validation or data transfer will be performed first in the external item manager. 4 byte unsigned integer 300
ExtItem pass-through quality Specifies the quality of external item values that will pass through external item transfers. Default is 'Good and Uncertain qualities'. enum, 2 byte signed integer 400

Information properties

ExternalItem reportA status-report for the External Item Manager of this module.string110

Performance properties

Nearly all modules have some common performance properties. These properties relate to the performance of the reading and writing of items from and to the modules.

In rare cases, a module may not have it own items. These modules won't have any common performance properties at all. For example: the ApisLoggerBee module.

Read performance

Item value read considerations:

Name Description
Justified The number of item reads that were justified on this module. I.e. the item had changed since the last time the same item was read by the same reader.
Needless The number of item reads that were needless on this module. I.e. the item had not changed since the last time the same item was read by the same reader.
Invalid The number of item reads that requested items not belonging to this module.
Failed The number of item reads in this module that failed for some reason.

Read-call considerations:

Mean timeThe average time in milliseconds it takes to read the specified number of items.
Peak timeThe maximum time in milliseconds it has taken to read the specified number of items.

Write performance

Item value write considerations:

Name Description
Justified The number of item writes that were justified on this module. I.e. the value or timestamp of the item had changed since the last time the item was written.
Needless The number of item writes that were needless on this module. I.e. the item value or timestamp written was the same as the value or timestamp the item already had.
Invalid The number of item writes that requested items not belonging to this module.
Failed The number of item writes to this module that failed for some reason.

Write-call considerations:

Mean timeThe average time in milliseconds it takes to write the specified number of items
Peak timeThe maximum time in milliseconds it has taken to write the specified number of items.

Additionally, modules may have several custom performance properties listed. To get help on these properties you must look in the help for that specific module.