
The user interface includes a menu bar at the top of the program window, containing several menu options. The menu options may change, depending on which servers are connected.


New...Creates a new solution. The existing views and connected items will be removed.
Open...Opens a file dialog where you can select a saved AMS configuration.
SaveSaves the current solution to a file. If the solution has not been saved previously, you'll be prompted for a file name.
Save As..Opens a file dialog and lets you save the solution to a file.
Import Log FilesOpens a file dialog which lets you choose one or more log files. This results in a log view opening if the log files are valid.
ExitExits the program.


ThemesOpens a submenu, which lets you select between different themes.
High Precision TimeDecides whether the time shall be presented in high precision time. If false the display accuracy is in milliseconds. If true the accuracy is increased to a tenth of a microsecond.
Real Time

Opens a submenu, which lets you select between different real-time views.

  • All Items - displays all items of the connected Apis Hive instances.
  • Adaptive Items List.
  • Selected Items List.
  • Trend

Opens a submenu, which lets you select between different historical data views.

  • Table - displays historical data in a table
  • Trend - displays historical data in a graph
SearchOpens a search view
PropertiesOpens a properties view

Opens a submenu, which lets you select between different views.

  • Solution Explorer - hides or shows the Solution Explorer
  • Connection View - Displays the Connection View.
  • Debug View - Displays the Debug View
  • Connecton Limit - Decides the maximum number of connections which can be shown in the Connection View. If this limit is exceeded, a warning is issued, and the connections will not be displayed.
  • Status bar - toggles visibility of the status bar.
  • Display User Name - toggles the visibility of the name of the user running AMS.


High Precision TimeToggles between showing time with microseconds or milliseconds

Opens a submenu, which lets you select between different themes.

  • Dark Theme
  • Light Theme
  • Blue Theme
Import Settings (Hive)When importing configuration files into hive, this selection decides if current culture or invariant culture is used.
Import Log SettingDecides if older log files than the ones selected when importing log files are automatically loaded. If this is true, load times will be longer

Opens a submenu

  • Save Layout - saves current layout which will be used after restart.
  • Reset Layout - resets layout to original layout
Load last config file on startupIf true, the last config file which was saved by the user will be automatically loaded the next time AMS is started.
Text Filter

This decides the how the text filter works in AMS. There are three alternatives:

  • Contains Text - If the text filter is contained in the searched text it is a match (default)
  • Like Operator -
  • Regular Expression - The text filter is a regular expression which is matched against the searched text


Help...Displays the documentation.
About...Displays a dialog which shows the version and copyright.