Running History explorer with command-line options

Running History explorer from the command-line, allows you to run automated file exports from a scheduled task or launched from another program.

Running from the command-line only makes sense when using an History explorer configuration file (an .acf file) for data export.

Usage, command-line options:

Prediktor.HistoryExplorer.exe -config="C:\a.acf" -export="C:\autoexport.txt" [optional parameters]

The export file name is the file name specified by the -export option concatenated by a time stamp, in this example the export file name is similar to: autoexport_2015-12-29 12-26-20.txt.


  • -hidden

    Runs the automated file-export hidden

  • -starttime:"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"

    Specify the start-time for an automated file-export

  • -endtime:"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"

    Specify the end-time for an automated file-export

    Specifying the StartTime and EndTime will allow the user to adjust the start/end times in the configuration files to reflect more recent time periods for which to export timeseries data.

  • -exportviewtype

    Specify the view type for the export file, can be table, combinedtimetable, eventlist, default is table.

    Example: -exportviewtype=combinedtimetable

  • -rowbyrow

    Organize the data row by row.

  • -honeystoreformat

    Export a honeystore import format file.

  • -notime

    Don't show time in the export file.

  • -noquality

    Don't show quality in the export file.

  • -localtime

    Using local time in the export file

A complex example:

Prediktor.HistoryExplorer.exe -config="C:\a.acf" -export="C:\autoexport.txt" -localtime -starttime="2015-12-1" -endtime="2015-12-29" -hidden