Import Engineering units from csv file

Access the service "apis://localhost" from Apis Managment Studio and navigate to the "Engineering Units" node.

Import Engineering units from csv file

  • Right-click on the "Engineering units" node and select "Import Engineering Units".
  • Select a comma separated file with Engineering units.
  • Type an unique Engineering unit namespace uri.
  • Click "Run import".
  • An Engineering unit namespace node will appear below the "Engineering Units" node.
  • Map Engineering units when done.

csv file format

A comma separated file with the following fields:

UnitIdInt 32NoAn id that is unique within the Engineering unit namespace.
DisplayNamestringNoA short name for the unit, typically the abbreviation.
DescriptionstringNoThe full name for the unit.
QuantitystringYesThe name of the unit quantity.


The first line must contain the header.

UnitId, DisplayName, Description, Quantity



