gRPC Common proto messages

Shared messages for Prediktor gRPC services. The proto file is PrediktorCommon.proto.

// Message of bytes, typically used for streaming binary content
message ByteStream {
	bytes bytes = 1;

// Array of strings
message StringArray {
	repeated string arr = 1;

// Array of results
message ResultArray {
	repeated Result results = 1;

// The result of an operation
message Result {
	bool success = 1;			// True if operation was successful
	string error = 2;			// Error message if operation was unsuccessful
	string errorDetails = 3;	// Detailed error message (may be empty) if operation was unsuccessful
	int32 errorCode = 4;		// Error code if operation was unsuccessful

// Wrapper for a boolean value
message BooleanReply {
	bool value = 1;

// Message for a string result
message StringResult {
	string value = 1;
	Result result = 2;

message BrowseFilter {
	string value = 1;

message InstanceIds {
	bool success = 1;
	string error = 2;
	repeated InstanceId ids = 3;

message InstanceId {
	string parentId = 1;
	string id = 2;
message InstanceInfos {
	repeated bool success = 1;
	repeated string error = 2;
	repeated InstanceInfo infos = 3;

message InstanceInfo {
	InstanceId id = 1;
	string name = 2;
	string fullName = 3;
	string description = 4;
    bool isRemovable = 5;
	bool canHaveChildren = 6;

message PropertyCollection {
	repeated Properties PropertiesArray = 1;
	bool Success = 2;
	string Error = 3;

message Properties {
	repeated Property PropArray = 1;
	bool Success = 2;
	string Error = 3;

message Property {
	string Name = 1;
	google.protobuf.Any Value = 2;
	bool Readonly = 3;
	string Description = 4;
	uint32 Id = 5;
	bool Success = 6;
	string Error = 7;

message PropertiesWriteRequest {
	string Id = 1;
	Properties Properties = 2;

// Types of events
enum EventType {
	undefined = 0;
	created = 1;	// Node created
	updated = 2;	// Node updated
	deleted = 3;	// Node deleted