Model Index Service Infrastructure

The Model Index runs as a separate service, named ApisModelIndex.

The Model Index Service runs separately from Apis Hive, and any issues with the service should not affect production data.

The Model Index Service is dependent on the ArangoDB service.


The status reported in the service user interface will report "StorageError" if there any problems with ArangoDB.

ArangoDB could be accessed directly on http://localhost:8529.

ArangoDB users

The Model Index service need a ArangoDB user to create databases(One for each Apis Hive Instance) and Db Schema.

To add users, use the admin interface in the http://localhost:8529. Select the _system database.

User administration is straight forward. After creating a user, give administrate permissions to the user to all (*) DBs.

The Prediktor.ModelIndex.Host.exe.config file contains default user and password settings in the application key <add key="ModelIndexDbUserName" value="" /> and <add key="ModelIndexDbPassword" value="" /. . Change these keys accordingly.