
The AEClient module has the following properties:

Name Description ID Flags
Active FALSE, if the Event Subscription is to be created inactive. 1050 Persisted
BufferMax Size The requested maximum number of events that will be sent in a single callback. A value of 0 means that there is no limit to the number of events that will be sent in a single callback. 1031 Persisted, ExpertPage
BufferTime The buffer time (in milliseconds) tells the server how often to send event notifications. A value of 0 means that the server should send event notifications as soon as it gets them. 1030 Persisted, ExpertPage
CmnItemIDPrefix Common source ItemId prefix. This string will prefix each item's 'ItemID' when communicating with the OPC AE server. Items in this module will have names without this prefix in the Apis namespace. 1011 Persisted, ExpertPage
Computer The computer hosting the OPC server. Leaving it blank, the localhost will be used. 1001 Persisted, Computer
FilterArea Events and conditions available in the server are organized within one or more process areas. An Area is a grouping of the plant. 1044 Persisted, ExpertPage
FilterCategory The categories supported by a given event type 1041 Persisted, ExpertPage
FilterEventType The filter criteria supported by the connected event server. 1040 Persisted, Enumerated
FilterSeverityHigh The severity high, indicates the highest severity of interest. This is also commonly called 'priority', especially in relation to process alarms. 1043 Persisted, ExpertPage
FilterSeverityLow The severity is low, indicating the lowest severity of interest. This is also commonly called 'priority', especially in relation to process alarms. 1042 Persisted, ExpertPage
FilterSource The source of the event in the OPC AE Server 1045 Persisted, ExpertPage
Operation Mode The type of mode of the Bee. 1010 Persisted, Enumerated
PDS Area The PDS area which an event subscription should be linked to. 1032 Persisted, ExpertPage
PDS ProcessUnit The PDS Process Unit associated with this subscription. 1033 Persisted, ExpertPage
ReconnectSrvShutdown Reconnect after an intended OPC server shutdown. This might cause problems when administering the OPC server. 1008 Persisted, ExpertPage
ReconnectTime The time to wait before attempting to reconnect the server after an RPC failure. 1007 Persisted, ExpertPage
Server The ProgID of the OPC server. 1002 Persisted, Enumerated, ProgID
SrvApisEventProcessingInterval The time in seconds Apis uses for processing an event. 1092 PerformancePage
SrvCLSID The CLSID of the OPC server. 1006 InfoPage
SrvCurrentTime The current time (UTC) as known by the OPC server. 1071 InfoPage
SrvEventSubscribtion Status of the event subscription. 1093 InfoPage
SrvLCID Locale ID of values coming from the server. You might need to specify this property if the OPC server provides string values that is converted to another type in your client (e.g. DDE bridges) 1009 Persisted, ExpertPage
SrvStartTime The time (UTC) the OPC server was started. 1070 InfoPage
SrvState The current status of the OPC server. 1073 Enumerated, InfoPage
SrvSupportBrowsing The status of server support browsing 1077 InfoPage
SrvUpdateCalls The number of times the OPC server has called back to this client with updated item values. 1094 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateCallsFailure The number of times the module has failed to process an event. 1096 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateCallsNotHandled Number of update calls not handled due to manually creation mode. 1097 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateCallsOK The number of times the module has successfully processed an event. 1095 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateTime The time the OPC server sent the last data value update to this client, as known by the server. 1072 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateTimeClient The time when this client received the last update, as known by the client. 1090 PerformancePage
SrvUpdateTimeInterval The time in seconds between the last two updates. 1091 PerformancePage
SrvVendorInfo Vendor specific information about the OPC server. 1075 InfoPage
SrvVersion The version number of the OPC server (major-minor-build). 1074 InfoPage
TimeReferenceItem An item who's value will be used as the time reference for this module instead of the system time, when timestamping items. 200 Persisted, ApisItem, ExpertPage
TraceEventMessages If this is 'true', the module writes to the log files for log view in Apis Management Studio the information received on IOPCEventSink::OnEvent 1061 Persisted, ExpertPage
TraceOPCServer Report specific OPC calls, return from those calls, as well as callbacks to the log files for log view in Apis Management Studio. 1060 Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage

See also Module Properties