
The Replay module has the following properties:

ActiveBufferThe buffer which data is replayed13000ReadOnly, PerformancePage
ActiveBuffer1Status if the buffer is active11900ReadOnly, InfoPage
ActiveBuffer2Status if the buffer is active12400ReadOnly, InfoPage
CmnItemIDPrefixCommon source ItemId prefix. This string will prefix each item's 'ItemID' when communicating with the OPC HDA server, and used as a filter when browsing this server's items.1030Persisted
CmnItemIDPrefix itemCommon source ItemId prefix. This string will prefix each item's 'ItemID' when communicating with the OPC HDA server, and used as a filter when browsing this server's items.1031Persisted, ApisItem, ExpertPage
ComputerThe computer hosting the OPC HDA server.1010Persisted, Computer
CurrentPlayIndexThe index of the active buffer12900ReadOnly, PerformancePage
EndTimeThe latest time (UTC) of the history to be read.1065Persisted
EndTimeBuffer1The end time of the buffer12300ReadOnly, InfoPage
EndTimeBuffer2The end time of the buffer12800ReadOnly, InfoPage
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
ItemCountBuffer1The count of values in the buffer12000ReadOnly, InfoPage
ItemCountBuffer2The count of values in the buffer12500ReadOnly, InfoPage
ItemPropSyncHow to synchronize item attributes from historian HDA attributes1095Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
PrefetchStrategyPrefetchStrategy11700Persisted, Enumerated
RealtimeFetches the freshest HDA value, ignoring start/end time1082Persisted, ExpertPage
ReportBufferStatusReports buffer status to the log files for log view in Apis Management Studio11800Hidden, InfoPage
ResolutionThe time between updates [seconds]1075Persisted
ServerThe ProgID of the OPC HDA server.1020Persisted, Enumerated, ProgID
ServerCLSIDThe CLSID of the specified OPC HDA server10000Persisted, ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvCurrentTimeThe current time (UTC) as known by the OPC server.11100ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvLCIDLocale ID of values coming from the server. You might need to specify this property if the OPC server provides string values that is converted to another type in your client (e.g. DDE bridges)1040Persisted, ExpertPage
SrvMaxRetValsThe maximum number of return values supported by the server.11200ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvPasswordThe password used to connect to the OPC HDA server object (if needed)1024Persisted, Password, ExpertPage
SrvStartTimeThe time (UTC) the OPC server was started.11000ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvStateThe current status of the OPC HDA server11300ReadOnly, Enumerated, InfoPage
SrvStatusStringStatus string in the OPC HDA server.11400ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvUserThe username used to connect to the OPC HDA server object (if needed)1022Persisted, User, ExpertPage
SrvVendorInfoVendor specific information about the OPC HDA server11600ReadOnly, InfoPage
SrvVersionThe version number of the OPC HDA server (major-minor-build)11500ReadOnly, InfoPage
Start on loadIf true replay starts when module starts1088Persisted, ExpertPage
StartTimeThe earliest time (UTC) of the history to be read.1060Persisted
StartTimeBuffer1The start time of the buffer12200ReadOnly, InfoPage
StartTimeBuffer2The start time of the buffer12700ReadOnly, InfoPage
Step on NextTimePerform step when NextTime is set1083Persisted, ExpertPage
SynchronousReadAggregateThe aggregate to read from the OPC HDA server when using synchronous replay. Applies to data returned for SynchronousItems only.1087Persisted, DynamicEnumeration
SynchronousReadDelayA delay in milliseconds inserted before the ReadSynch command, 0 to disable delay.1085Persisted
TimeModeThe time mode used to timestamp items.1050Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
TimeReferenceItemAn item who's value will be used as the time reference for this module instead of the system time, when timestamping items.200Persisted, ApisItem, ExpertPage
TracefileMaxSizeThe max size of the trace file before the file is truncated in bytes. Default is 50 MB => 50 * 1024 * 102415000Persisted, ExpertPage
TraceServerStateThis is used to trace detail information about internal steps of a replay sequence. Note: Be care full of enabling 'PlayBackValues' and 'All Calls' since this can result in mutch disk activity.Disabled - Trace not activeTraceCall - The different function calls which are called during replayWaitForData - The request for dataStatusChange - On status changeReadServer - When data is read from serverCurrentIndex - Current index being replayedFireBrokerEvent - When broker event is sendPlayBackValues - The values being replayedCommands - Commands being sentStartupSequence - The startup sequence of replay beeRequestMoreData - Not used at the momentActivatedItems - When items are set active for replayAll Calls - Trace active for all types15020Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
TraceToFileThis is used to trace detail information about the internal status of the replay session. The type of status to trace is given by the property 'TraceServerState'15010Persisted, File, ExpertPage
UseHDATimestampUse HDA Timestamp for each interval, if false the item timestamp is used. Applies to data returned for SynchronousItems only when aggregate is Interpolative zero-order2000Persisted, ExpertPage
UseRelativeTimeUse relative Start and End time, valid only for aggregate data.1072Persisted, ExpertPage
ValueCountBuffer1The count of values in the buffer12100ReadOnly, InfoPage
ValueCountBuffer2The count of values in the buffer12600ReadOnly, InfoPage

See also Module Properties