
The TunnelBee module has the following properties:

ACU_ItemRegistrationChangedLast time received ACU message 'ItemRegistrationChanged'1160InfoPage
ACU_ItemsAddedLast time received ACL message 'ItemsAdded'1130InfoPage
ACU_ItemsDeletedLast time received ACU message 'ItemsDeleted'1140InfoPage
ACU_ModuleAddedLast time received ACU message 'ModuleAdded'1170Hidden, InfoPage
ACU_ModuleDeletedLast time received ACU message 'ModuleDeleted'1180Hidden, InfoPage
ACU_ModulePropertiesChangedLast time received ACU message 'ModulePropertiesChanged'1190Hidden, InfoPage
ClientModeDefines the type of mode to run the client in. Hub mode extract items independent of the name space and replication mode maintains the name space of the items based on the name of the module.1001Persisted, ReadOnly, Enumerated, ExtraInfo
ConnectedStatus of connection to the remote host (Host is define by module property URL)1050InfoPage
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
ItemCountReadNumber of items in the last read call to the server1080InfoPage
ItemCountReadFailedNumber of items faild to be read in the last read call to the server1090InfoPage
ItemCountWriteNumbers of items to be written in the last write call to the server.1110InfoPage
ItemCountWriteFailedNumber of items failed to be written in the the last write call to the server.1120InfoPage
LastReadTimeLast time items was read from server1070InfoPage
LastWriteTimeLast time items was written to server1100InfoPage
LocalUpdateTimeThe current time to update local namespace [msec]1350PerformancePage
MaxLocalUpdateTimeThe time used to update namespace in Apis with received data from remote host [msec]1450PerformancePage
MaxRemoteRequestTimeThe max time for requesting new data from remote host [msec]1400PerformancePage
MaxTotalTimeThe max total time used to request and update data from remote host [msec]1500PerformancePage
MinTotalTimeThe max total time used to request and update data from remote host [msec]1550PerformancePage
NamespaceDiscoveryType of mode used to fetch items from remote server.1005Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
OpenTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time provided for a connection to open before the open operation has to complete. The default value is 60 seconds.1200Persisted, ExpertPage
PasswordNettwork password1004Persisted, Password, ExpertPage
ReceiveTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time that a connection can remain inactive, during which no application messages are received, before it is dropped. The default value is 600 second1220Persisted, ExpertPage
RemoteRequestTimeThe current time to request remote data [msec]1300PerformancePage
RequestStatusCurrent request mode1600PerformancePage
SendTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time provided for a write operation to complete before timing out. The default value is 60 second1210Persisted, ExpertPage
SubscriptionCountNumber of items in subscription list1060InfoPage
UpdateRateThe time to request data and messages from the remote server in ms1007Persisted, ExpertPage
URLThe URL to the server. Ex http://<ServerName>:<PortNumber>/Prediktor.Apis.MessageBroker/ApisMessageBrokerSvc or net.tcp://<ServerName>:<PortNumber>/Prediktor.Apis.MessageBroker/ApisMessageBrokerSvc1002Persisted, URL
UsernameNettwork username1003Persisted, ExpertPage

See also Module Properties