Setup Discrete Alarms
This example explains how to configure Apis Hive as OPC AE service and add level alarms on Items.
Follow the guide Add Module to Apis Hive, but this time select a module of type ApisAlarmArea from the "Module type" dropdown list.
- In the Properties Editor, click on the button "Add Property"
- In the "Add property" dialog, type "*alarm*" in the filter field, and select the new global property "ApisAlarmArea1EvtCategory"
- Click "Ok"
- In the Properties Editor, click on the property "ApisAlarmArea1EvtCategory".From the dropdown menu, select the alarm category you want. In this example we'll use "discrete".
- Click "Apply".
- The Predefined Apis Alarm Attribute AlmNormalState will be added to the item. Set the value of when the normal state you want. In this example we'll set AlmNormalState to 50.
- Click "Apply".