Namespace Item

An item that represents a semantics caching namespace.

The namespace item type has the following properties:


The name of the item is the uri for the namespace it represents on the remote server the ua client module is connected to

Exposed URI / Value

The uri representing the namespace on the hive UA server. This may or may not be the same uri as the source uri on the remote server


Item quality - this tells you whether an item currently has a good or bad quality. It might be bad, for example, because it isn't connected or is set to the wrong type.


Item access rights - this property may be "read", or "read write". This means that the property may only be read from, or also can be written to. For OPC items, this written value will be passed on to the external items this item comes from.


The date and time when this item was last updated.


The item canonical data type - the specific type of this item. Whether it's an integer, string, date, etc.

Namespace store

Path to the database file containing the cached model for the namespace

Separator char

Character used to separate parts of function item names. Normally '.' is used to indicate parent-child like separation.

Name elements

What should make up the parts of function item names. Either browsename or displayname, possibly with the nodeid appended.

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Name termination

When to stop following parent nodes for inclusion in function item names. Stop at naming root: Stop at the first parent object node having a property of the naming root property type. Stop at first object node: Stop at the first parent that is an object node.

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Name generation

Determines when to generate function items fordata variables in the namespace. If no types in namespace: Only generate function items if there are no types defined by the namespace. Always, Never, Data variables that are not instance declarations: Unless a data variable is part of a type definition (instance declaration), it will have a function item generated for it.

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URI for naming root

The uri-part of the node id for the naming root property type.

Naming root id type

The identifier-type-part of the node id for the naming root type.

Naming root identifier

The identifier-part of the node id for the naming root type

Naming root subtypes

Wether subtypes of the naming root type should be treated as a naming root

Naming root fail policy

What to do if the objects folder is reached without identifying an object having a naming-root property along the way. Fail: Generate an error, Stop at first object node: Regenerate the name, but stop at the first object node. Stop at objects folder: Use the full path to the objects folder.

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See also

Basic Item Properties

Predefined Item Properties

OPC DA Properties