
The UaPublisherBee module has the following properties:


See also Module Properties

Name Description ID Flags
_DataSetWriterId_ hidden prop to book-keep the DataSetWriterIdAttribute put on dataset writer items 5010 Persisted, Hidden
_WriterGroupIdProperty_ hidden prop to book-keep the WriterGroupIdAttribute put on writer group items 5011 Persisted, Hidden
Backfill databasename The name of the database where messages are stored when they could not be transmitted to the broker 6010 Persisted, File
Backfil databasesize The maximun size of Backfill database in Gb. If 0 , then no limit in database-size is set. 6011 Persisted
Broker type File: messages are witten to a file. AMQP: sending messages to Microsoft Azure Eventhub. MQTT: sending the messages to a MQTT broker. 1100 Persisted, Enumerated
DeltaTime Dataset with newest timestamp older than now - deltatime (in seconds) will be sent to Backfill address. If 0 then no time-evaluation is done. 6007 Persisted
ExchangeRate The exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values. 100 Persisted
ExternalItem report A status-report for the External Item manager of this module 110 InfoPage
ExtItem full refresh When true, the external items manager will force a full refresh initially on start/reset when reading items. I.e. items not yet initialized in their source, will also trigger an external item update. Default is true. 150 Persisted, ExpertPage
ExtItem pass-through quality Specifies the quality of external item values that will pass through external item transfers. If external item qualities has worse quality the this mask, the external item transfer is blocked. Default is 'Any quality'. 400 Persisted, Enumerated, ExpertPage
LogLevel Specifies the loglevel for diagnostic messages from this module. 500 Persisted, Enumerated
Message encoding The encoding to use: Json: The message will be created according to the opcua json publishe spesification. See opcua documentation. UADP: Not in use. Json_Simplifies: A simplifier json format. See dokumentation. Json_Simplified_2: A simplifier json format with common timestamp and quality. See dokumentation. 5000 Persisted, Enumerated
Metadata directory The directory where metadata files are created. If empty or invalid, no meta data will be created. 6000 Persisted, Folder
PublisherId The PublisherId is a unique identifier for a Publisher within a Message Oriented Middleware 1010 ReadOnly, ReadOnlyAfterCreate
Reset counters Resets all counters for the publisher. 6005 Persisted, Folder
Tracecverbosity The trace verbosity when property LogLevel is set to Debug or higher. (If LogLevel < Debug, this property has no effect. 1005 Persisted, Enumerated
Transport protocol The TransportProtocol to use (Datagram or Broker) 1050 Persisted, Hidden, Enumerated
AMQP main address The connectionstring to Azure Event Hub. In addition the EntityPath have to be added to the WriterGroup item property AMQP main EntenityPath." 2100 Persisted
AMQP backfill address The connectionstring to Azure Event Hub. In addition the EntityPath have to be added to the WriterGroup item property AMQP backfill EntenityPath." 2120 Persisted
AMQP communication The communication to use. 1101 Persisted
AMQP connectiontype Wether there are one connection per group(Multiple), one connection for all groups (Single), or a new connection for each transaction(Transient). 2122 Persisted
Filename The Filename when BrokerType is File. 2300 Persisted, Hidden, File
MQTT main address Address to MQTT broker 2402 Persisted
MQTT main port MQTT broker port. 2403 Persisted
MQTT main clientid A string that define/identify the clients session at the broker. 2404 Persisted
MQTT main user The clients username. 2405 Persisted
MQTT main password The clients password. 2406 Persisted
MQTT main clean session Not relevant when sending data. 2409 Persisted
MQTT main version Select between V3.1.1 or V5.0 2410 Persistede
MQTT main transport Transmission protocole: TcpServer, use unencrypted communication. TcpServeTLS use encrypted communication. 2411 Persisted
MQTT main client certificate The filename of the clients certificate when broker expect a client certificate to accept connection. 2415 Persisted
MQTT backfill address Address to MQTT broker 2502 Persisted
MQTT backfill port MQTT broker port. 2503 Persisted
MQTT backfill clientid A string that define the client at the broker. 2504 Persisted
MQTT backfill user Username this client use when connecting to MQTT broker. 2505 Persisted
MQTT backfill password Username this client use when connecting to MQTT broker. 2506 Persisted
MQTT backfill clean session Not relevant when sending data. 2509 Persisted
MQTT backfill version Select between V3.1.1 or V5.0 2510 Persistede
MQTT backfill transport Transmission protocole: "TcpServer", use unencrypted communication. "TcpServeTLS" use encrypted communication. 2511 Persisted
MQTT backfill client certificate The filename of the clients certificate when broker expect a client certificate to accept connection. 2515 Persisted