Variable DataSet Writer Properties

Items representing a variable DataSet writer.

The Variable DataSetWriter item type has the following properties:


See also Predefined Item Properties and OPC DA Properties

Name Description ID Flags
ConfiguredSize The parameter ConfiguredSize with the DataType UInt16 defines the fixed size in bytes a DataSetMessage uses inside a NetworkMessage. The default value is 0 and it indicates a dynamic length. If a DataSetMessage would be smaller in size (e.g.because of the current values that are encoded) the DataSetMessage is padded with bytes with value zero.In case it would be larger, the Publisher shall set bit 0 of the DataSetFlags1 to false to indicate that the DataSetMessage is not valid. 12510 Persisted, Hidden
DataSetFieldContentMask A DataSet field consists of a value and related metadata. In most cases the value comes with status and timestamp information. Set flags to decide what to include in addition to the value in the DataSetMessage.(See OpcUa Part 14 1.04 chapter 12060 Persisted, EnumeratedFlags
DataSet connected data The name of the corresponding PublishedDataSet. I.e. the name of an apis module in this instance, that implements the IApisPublishedDataSet interface, and that will provide the dataset to publish. 12100 Persisted, DynamicEnumeration
DataSetWriterId The DataSetWriterId with defines the unique ID of the DataSetWriter for a PublishedDataSet. It is used to select DataSetMessages for a PublishedDataSet on the Subscriber side. It shall be unique across all DataSetWriters for a PublisherId. All values, except for 0, are valid DataSetWriterIds. The value 0 is defined as null value. 12050 Persisted, ReadOnly
Diagnostics level Define the level of diagnostics to be created. 10150 Persisted, Enumerated
Enabled Whether the item is enabled or not. 10100 Persisted
JsonDataSetMessageContentMask The DataSetMessageContentMask defines the flags for the content of the DataSetMessage header. 12400 Persisted, EnumeratedFlags
KeyFrameCount The KeyFrameCount with DataType UInt32 is the multiplier of the PublishingInterval that defines the maximum number of times the PublishingInterval expires before a key frame message with values for all published Variables is sent.The delta frame DataSetMessages contains just the changed values.If no changes exist, the delta frame DataSetMessage shall not be sent.If the KeyFrameCount is set to 1, every message contains a key frame. 12070 Persisted
MajorVersion The MajorVersion reflects the time of the last major change of the DataSet content. 18050 ReadOnly, InfoPage
DataSet message buffer size The maximum number of DataSet that can be buffered internaly 12110 Persisted
MinorVersion The MinorVersion reflects the time of the last change of the DataSet content. 18051 ReadOnly, InfoPage
Quality Item quality 3 ReadOnly
Rights Item access rights 5 ReadOnly
Time Item timestamp 4 ReadOnly
Type Item canonical datatype 1 ReadOnly
UadpDataSetMessageContentMask The UadpDataSetMessageContentMask defines the flags for the content of the DataSetMessage header, when using UADP message mapping. 12500 Persisted, Hidden, EnumeratedFlags
Value Item value 2 ReadOnly
WriterGroup itemname The WriterGroupItem for this dataset writer. 10200 Persisted, APISLocalItem, DynamicEnumeration
Value identifier The names to use in messages to identify values. SourceNodeId: selecr opcu ua nodeid to the value. ItemName: use the APIS itemname, SourceNodeId_Regex: Use the opcus nodid, but in addition manipulate this with regex. ItemName_Regex: Use APIS itemname and manipulate it with regex. 12205 Persisted
Regex source If the name shall use regex: This parameter holds the string to search for. 12210 Persisted
Regex replace If the name shall use regex: This parameter holds the replace string. 12220 Persisted