gRPC API Configuration Repository

The API is defined in the proto-files ConfigurationRepository.proto. And depends on PrediktorCommon.proto.

Configuration Repository endponts are:

  // Convenience method to test for server connection
  rpc ping (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.StringValue);
  // Get info about the API, version, vendor etc.
  rpc info(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ConfigurationRepositoryDetails);

  // Create a new node beneath another node. 
  rpc createNode (NodeRequest) returns (NodeResponse);
  // Update a node. 
  rpc updateNode (NodeRequest) returns (PrediktorCommon.Result);
  // Get subnodes for a node
  rpc getNodes (GetNodesRequest) returns (GetNodesResponse);
  // Get details for a node
  rpc getNode (NodeId) returns (NodeDetail);
  // Delete a node
  rpc deleteNode (NodeId) returns (PrediktorCommon.Result);

  // Upload a binary content file to a Revision
  rpc uploadBinaryContent (stream UploadContentRequest) returns (PrediktorCommon.Result);
  // Upload a text content file to a Revision
  rpc uploadTextContent (stream UploadContentRequest) returns (PrediktorCommon.Result);

  // Download a binary content file from a Revision
  rpc downloadBinaryContent (NodeId) returns (stream PrediktorCommon.ByteStream);
  // Download a text content file from a Revision
  rpc downloadTextContent (NodeId) returns (stream PrediktorCommon.StringArray);

  // Compare two Namespace revisions
  rpc compareNamespaces (NamespaceCompareRequest) returns (stream NamespaceCompareResult);
  // Compare two Hive Config revisions
  rpc compareHiveConfig (HiveConfigCompareRequest) returns (stream HiveConfigCompareResult);
  // Compare two Variable Mapping revisions
  rpc compareVariableMappings (RevisionCompareRequest) returns (stream CompareVariableMappingsResult);

  // Subscribe to get events on Add/Delete/Update
  rpc subscribe (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream CrEventInfo);

Configuration Repository messages are:

// Id of a node
message NodeId {
	string id = 1;

// Array of nodeIds
message NodeIds {
	repeated NodeId ids = 1;
	PrediktorCommon.Result result = 2;

message NodeRequest { 
	NodeId parentId = 1;	// Id of parent (required by createNode)
	NodeId id = 2;			// Id of node (required by updateNode)
	string name = 3;		// Name of node
	string description = 4;	// Description of node
	oneof data {			// Define either NodeData for Folder/Store or RevisionData for a revision
		NodeData nodeData = 7;			// When creating/updating a Folder or Store
		RevisionData revisionData = 8;	// When creating/updating a Revision

// createNode response
message NodeResponse{
	NodeId nodeId = 1;					// Id of newly created node
	PrediktorCommon.Result result = 2;	// Result of create operation. Check result.success to see if the operation was successful.

message GetNodesRequest {
	NodeId parentNodeId = 1;	// Subnodes for this node will be returned
	int32 pageNo = 2;			// Pagination page number
	int32 pageSize = 3;			// Pagination page size

// getNodes response
message GetNodesResponse {
	NodeId parentId = 1;				// Id of parent node
	repeated NodeDetail subNodes = 2;	// Array of detailed info of subnodes
	int32 prevPage = 3;					// Pagination, prevPage number
	int32 nextPage = 4;					// Pagination, nextPage number
	int32 pageSize = 5;					// Pagination, page size
	int32 totalCount = 6;				// Pagination, total number of pages
	PrediktorCommon.Result result = 7;	// Result of operation

// Details about a node
message NodeDetail {
	NodeId parentId = 1;				// Parent node id. Well be empty if root.
	NodeId id = 2;						// Id of node
	string name = 3;					// Name of node
	string description = 4;				// Description of node
	google.protobuf.Timestamp date = 5;	// Date when node was created
	PrediktorCommon.Result result = 6;	// Result of operation
	oneof data {						// nodeData or revisionData will be returned, dependent of the nature of the node
		NodeData nodeData = 7;			// Node is Folder or Store.
		RevisionData revisionData = 8;	// Node is Revision

// Data about a Folder or a Store
message NodeData {
	NodeTypeEnum type = 1;

// Data about a Revision
message RevisionData {
	RevisionTypeEnum type = 1;
	string version = 2;			// Version of revision
	string modelVersion = 3;	// ModelVersion, applicable for Namespace Nodeset
	google.protobuf.Timestamp publicationDate = 4; // Namespace Nodeset PublicationDate
	string storeId = 5;			// Id of the Store this Revision belongs to

//Node types Folders and Stores
enum NodeTypeEnum {
	undefined = 0;
	folder = 1;					// Folder
	namespaceNodesetStore = 2;	// Namespace Nodeset Store
	hiveConfigurationStore = 3;	// Hive Configuration store
	namespaceDatabaseStore = 4;	// Namespace database (depricated)
	variableMappingsStore = 5;	// Variable Mapping Store

//Revision types
enum RevisionTypeEnum {
	undefinedRevision = 0;
	namespaceNodesetRevision = 1;	// Namespace Nodeset
	hiveConfigurationRevision = 2;	// Hive Configuration
	namespaceDatabaseRevision = 3;	// Namespace database (depricated)
	variableMappingsRevision = 4;	// Variable Mapping

// Information about the Config Repository service
message ConfigurationRepositoryDetails {
	string version = 1;		// Current version
	string minVersion = 2;	// Minimum version supported by this service
	string vendor = 3;		// Name of the vendor of this service
	string url = 4;			// Where to find information about the vendor

// Upload file content message
message UploadContentRequest {
	oneof request {
		NodeId revisionId = 1;						// Id of revision to upload to
		PrediktorCommon.ByteStream binaryChunk = 2;	// A chunk of the file for a binary file
		PrediktorCommon.StringArray textChunk = 3;	// A chunk of the file for a text file

// A request to compare two Namespace revisions
message NamespaceCompareRequest {
	NodeId baseRevisionId = 1;				// Base revisions, compareRevision is compared to this one
	NodeId compareRevisionId = 2;			// This revision is compared to the base revision
	RevisionTypeEnum revisionType = 3;		// Revision type
	bool excludeValueSourceAttributes = 4;	// Include where a data variable gets its value from (recommended value = true)

// A request to compare two Revisions
message RevisionCompareRequest {
	NodeId baseRevisionId = 1;
	NodeId compareRevisionId = 2;

// A request to compare two Hive Configuration Revisions
message HiveConfigCompareRequest {
	NodeId baseRevisionId = 1;		// Base revisions, compareRevision is compared to this one
	NodeId compareRevisionId = 2;	// This revision is compared to the base revision
	string InstanceName = 3;		// Name of Hive instance

// Event message describing an Create/Delete/Update change in the repository.
message CrEventInfo {
	PrediktorCommon.EventType eventType = 1;	// Type of event, Create/Delete/Update
	repeated NodeId pathToNode = 2;				// Path of ids from root, down to the node this event is for.
	oneof sourceNodeType {
		NodeTypeEnum nodeType = 3;				// Type if affected node is Folder or Store
		RevisionTypeEnum revisionType = 4;		// Type if affected node is Revision

// Ua NodeId and Browsename
message IdAndBrowsename {
	string id = 1;
	string browsename = 2;

// Where a value is present
enum ConfigValuePresence {
	sourceAndDestination = 0;	// Present in both
	onlySource = 1;				// Present only in source
	onlyDestination = 2;		// Present only in destination

// Representation of a value diff
message ConfigValueDiff {
	string						name = 1;				// Name of value
	ConfigValuePresence			valuePresence = 2;		// Where it is present
	string						sourceValue = 100;		// Value is has in source
	string						destinationValue = 101;	// Value is has in destination

// Representation of a change i Windows Registry
message RegistryConfigValueDiff {
	string						path = 1;	// Path in Registry
	ConfigValueDiff				diff = 10;	// The diff

// Array of Windows Registry diffs
message RegistryConfigValueDiffs {
	repeated RegistryConfigValueDiff registryValues = 1;

// Representation of a diff in a Hive attribute
message HiveAttributeValueDiff {
	int32						attributeId = 1;	// Id of attribute
	ConfigValueDiff				diff = 10;			// The diff

// Array of diffs in Hive attributes
message HiveAttributeValueDiffs {
	repeated HiveAttributeValueDiff attributes = 1;

// Representation of diff for a Hive module item
message HiveModuleItemConfigDiff {
	string						name = 1;			// Name of item
	ConfigValuePresence			itemPresence = 2;	// Where it is present
	HiveAttributeValueDiffs		attributeDiffs = 10;// Attribute diffs

// Array of diffs for Hive module items
message HiveModuleItemConfigDiffs {
	repeated HiveModuleItemConfigDiff Items = 10;

// Representation of diffs for a Hive Module
message HiveModuleConfigDiff {
	oneof diff {
		string						name = 1;			// Name of Module
		ConfigValuePresence			valuePresence = 2;	// Where it is present
		RegistryConfigValueDiffs	registryDiffs = 10;	// Diffs in Windows Registry
		HiveAttributeValueDiffs		moduleDiffs = 20;	// Diffs in the modules attributes
		HiveModuleItemConfigDiffs	itemDiffs = 30;		// Diffs for the modules items

// Array of diffs for a Hive Modules
message HiveModuleConfigDiffs {
	repeated HiveModuleConfigDiff modules = 1;

// Message for errors
message ErrorInfo {
	string error = 1;
	string errorDetails = 2;

// Representation of a diff for a Hive
message HiveConfigCompareResult {
	oneof result {
		string						name = 1;			// Name of Hive
		bool						hasDifferences = 2; // True if there are differences present
		HiveModuleConfigDiffs		moduleDiffs = 10;	// Diffs for module
		RegistryConfigValueDiffs	registryDiffs = 20; // Diffs for Windows Registry
		ErrorInfo					errorInfo = 30;		// Error presentation

// Representation of a diff for an attribute
message ModifiedAttribute {
	uint32 attributeId = 1;	// Id of attribute
	string oldValue = 2;	// Old value (base)
	string newValue = 3;	// New value (compared)

// Representation of a diff for some value
message ModifiedValue {
	string valueName = 1;	// Name
	string oldValue = 2;	// Old value (base)	
	string newValue = 3;	// New value (compared)

// Representation of a namespace
message ModifiedNamespace {
	int32 idx = 1;				
	bool autoUpdate = 2;
	string modelVersion = 3;
	google.protobuf.Timestamp publicationDate = 4;
	google.protobuf.Timestamp lastModified = 5;

// Where a namespace index in present in a compare result
message NsIndexPresence {
	uint32 nsIndex = 1;		// Namespace index
	int32 presentIn = 2;	// 0 = Both, 1 = Compare, 2 = Base

// Ua QualifiedName
message QualifiedName {
	uint32 namespaceIndex = 1;
	string name = 2;

// Ua LocalizedText
message LocalizedText {
     SemanticsLocale locale = 1;
     string text = 2;

// Ua SemanticsLocale
message SemanticsLocale {
	string language = 1;
    string region = 2;

// Representation of an Ua Reference 
message ReferenceDescription {
	string sourceId = 1;
	QualifiedName sourceBrowseName = 2;
	string referenceId = 3;
	QualifiedName referenceBrowseName = 4;
	string targetId = 5;
	QualifiedName targetBrowseName = 6;
	bool isHierarchical = 7;

// Map of namespaces and where they are present in a compare result
message NamespacesMap {
	map<string, NsIndexPresence> namespacesMap = 1;

// Modified nodes in a Namespace compare result
message ModifiedNode {
	IdAndBrowsename idAndBrowsename = 1;
	ModifiedAttributes modifiedAttribute = 2;

// Array of ModifiedNodes
message ModifiedNodes {
	repeated ModifiedNode modifiedNodes = 1;

// Array of modifiedAttributes
message ModifiedAttributes {
	repeated ModifiedAttribute modifiedAttrs = 1;

// Array of ModifiedValues
message ModifiedValues {
	repeated ModifiedValue modifiedVals = 1;

// Array of ReferenceDescriptions
message ReferenceDescriptions {
	repeated ReferenceDescription referenceDescrs = 1;

// Array of SemTypeMembers
message SemTypeMembers {
	repeated SemTypeMember members = 1;

// Ua semantic type member
message SemTypeMember {
	int64 parentIndex = 1;
	bool isRoot = 2;
	string id = 3;
	SemProperties properties = 4;

// Ua properties (a subset)
message SemProperties {
	SemPropertyLocalizedText displyNameProp = 1;
	SemPropertyQualifiedName qualifiedNameProp = 2;
	SemPropertyLocalizedText descriptionProp = 3;

// Ua QualifiedName property
message SemPropertyQualifiedName {
	int32 id = 1;
	QualifiedName browsename = 2;
	bool isReadOnly = 3;

// Ua LocalizedText propery
message SemPropertyLocalizedText {
	int32 id = 1;
	LocalizedText value = 2;
	bool isReadOnly = 3;

// Map of modified namespaces, key is namespace uri
message ModifiedNameses {
	map<string, ModifiedNamespace> modNamespaces = 1;

// Map of modified namespaces and the modified values
message ModifiedNamespaceValues {
	map<string, ModifiedValues> modNamespacesValues = 1;

// The result of a namespace compare
message NamespaceCompareResult {
	oneof result {
		NamespacesMap namespaces = 1;					// Map of namespaces and which compare sets (base, compare) are present
		ModifiedNodes modifiedNodes  = 2;				// Nodes (instances, types) that are modified
		ReferenceDescriptions newReferences = 3;		// References that are added
		ReferenceDescriptions deletedReferences = 4;	// References that are deleted
		ModifiedNameses newNamespaces = 5;				// Namespaces that are added
		ModifiedNameses deletedNamespaces = 6;			// Namespaces that are deleted
		ModifiedNamespaceValues modifiedNamespaces = 7;	// Namespaces that are modified
		SemTypeMembers newNodes = 8;					// Nodes (instances, types) that are added
		SemTypeMembers deletedNodes = 9;				// Nodes (instances, types) that are deleted
		bool hasDifferences = 10;						// True if there are differences between the two namespace versions
		bool success = 11;								// True if operation was successful
		string error = 12;								// Error message if operation was unsuccessful
		string errorDetails = 13;						// Detailed error message (may be empty) if operation was unsuccessful

// The result of a Variable Mapping compare
message CompareVariableMappingsResult {
	oneof result {
		DiffTextModel old = 1;		// Diffs for base versjon of the file
		DiffTextModel new = 2;		// Diffs for the compare versjon of the file
		bool hasDifferences = 3;	// True if there are differences between the two mapping files
		bool success = 10;			// True if operation was successful
		string error = 11;			// Error message if operation was unsuccessful

// Diff result for a text file
message DiffTextModel {
	repeated DiffTextPiece lines = 1;
	bool hasDifferences = 2;

// Diff result for a line in a text file 
message DiffTextPiece {
	ChangeTextType type = 1;
	int32 position = 2;
	string text = 3;
	repeated DiffTextPiece subPieces = 4;

// Change type for a line in a text file
enum ChangeTextType {
	unchanged = 0;
	deleted = 1;
	inserted = 2;
	imaginary = 3;	// Not present
	modified = 4;