The APIS Hive Command Line

The APIS Hive binary file is ApisHivex64.exe. Locate the directory [ApisDIR]\Bin64 at a Command Prompt to execute the commands.

Running APIS Hive

You can register the APIS Hive application to run in one of two possible configurations: as a DCOM server or as a Windows service.

Running APIS Hive as a DCOM server

To run APIS Hive default instance as DCOM server, execute the following command:

ApisHive.exe –Regserver

Running APIS Hive as a Windows service

To run APIS Hive default instance as service, execute the following command:

ApisHive.exe –Service

Re-register the APIS Hive application

If you've had APIS Hive installed on your computer earlier, you can register APIS Hive to run as the same application type as before.

To do so, execute the following command:

ApisHive.exe –Install

Registering a new named APIS Hive instance

To register a named APIS Hive instance, execute the following command from a command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -MyInstanceName -AddInstance

Now, you have an instance called -MyInstanceName. The named instance is, by default, registered to run as a Windows service and can now be started from the Services Control Panel Applet, just like any other Windows service.

Registering a named instance as a COM server

To register a named APIS Hive instance to run as a service, execute the following command from a command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -MyInstanceName -Regserver

The named instance is now registered to run as a COM server, and can be started from the command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -MyInstanceName

Registering a named instance as a Windows service

To register a named instance to run as a Windows service, execute the following command at the command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -MyInstanceName -Service

The named instance can now be started from the Services Control Panel Applet, just like any other Windows service.

Remove a named APIS Hive instance

Execute the following command at the command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -MyInstanceName -RemoveInstance

List all instances

To list all APIS Hive instances registered on a computer, execute the following command on the command prompt:

ApisHive.exe -ListInstances

When executing this command, registry files will also be exported to the respective config directories. Which includes all CLSIDs necessary to allow for remote launching/activation/access from other APIS clients and OPC servers on a remote computer. This might also be useful if you want to assure that all named APIS Hive instances on a computer farm have the same CLSIDs on the same computers.