Delaying Runtime State Transitions

It's possible to set a delay between some of the different runtime-states when Apis Hive is starting. This might be desirable when some external application (e.g. OPC server) started indirectly by Apis Hive needs time to load before it can accept or handle any queries from another program.

At present, these settings must be configured through the Windows NT registry, using the RegEdit.exe Windows NT application, located in the Windows directory. In this program, locate the registry key:


Under this key, create a DWORD value for each of the delay types listed in the table below that you want to take advantage of.

Name of DWORD valueMeaning
CreateToConfigureDelaySpecifies a delay in milliseconds between the runtime-states "Modules created" and "Configuration loaded".
ConfigureToAcquireResourcesDelaySpecifies a delay in milliseconds between the runtime-states "Configuration loaded" and "Resources acquired".
AcquireResourcesToStartDelaySpecifies a delay in milliseconds between the runtime-states "Resources acquired" and "Started".

The actual value of the respective DWORD values gives the delay in milliseconds.