Compare NodeSet or NodeSetChanges Files

The purpose of this function is to compare NodeSet or NodeSetChanges xml files to find the differences. The function only compare nodes and references. To start this function in AMS select an instance and open "Information Modelling" klick on "Models" and then right-click and select "Compare Nodeset files". A form as below will be visible.

To use this tool select "Nodeset Source File" and "Nodeset Target File" by pressing the Browse button. Then select the "Nodeset Changes File"where the result will be written.

The Source and target can either be a Nodset file or a Nodsetchanges file. The result will always be a Nodesetchanges file and consist of the nodes/references one have to add/delete to the source namespace to get the Target namespace. If a node exist in both namespaces, but have different attribute content, it will be a node in the result file in the section nodestoadd. In the Status area of the form, the number of nodes/references that have been added/deleted are displayed