Model Construction ISA95 (Asset Registry)

In the Asset Registry Model Construction Editor, it is possible to add, edit and delete equipments, equipment properties and equipment classes in an ISA95 information model .See How to open this editor here.

Before you can start constructing models, you need to create a namespace to host your model.

The editor view consists of several parts, navigation, properties, actions and overview of children and references, see image below. Next, the different parts will be described in detail.

The first row is a breadcrumb showing the path of parents from the top node to the node you are editing. The top node is actually the Objects node. The Objects node is not visible in this view since it's not a part of ISA95.

Press the names to navigate to a parent.

The arrow buttons lets you navigate back and forth in your navigation history.

Adaptive means the editor will automatically load the content of nodes selected in the browsable tree on the left. If not selected, the content will stay on this instance till you change it.

The Reload button will reload the content from the server.


Property NameExplanation
NodeIdUniquely defines the instance in the UA server.
NodeClassAn enumeration identifying the NodeClass of the instance, such as Object or Variable.
DisplayNameThe name of the node when displayed in user interface.
BrowseNameIdentifies the instance when browsing the UA server.
DescriptionDescription of the instance
NamespaceThe namespace URI that this instance belongs to.
EventNotifierIndicates if the semantic object is an event notifier.
ParentsNames and references of parents.
WriteMaskSpecifies which attributes of the instance that is writable (editable).

Specifies which attributes of the instance that is writable (editable) by the currently connected user.

TypeThe type of this instance.
Properties (group)Contains all properties of type PropertyType of this instance.


To build a model, extend instances by utilizing the following actions:

Action NameDescription
Add optional childAdd optional children that is defined in the type of the instance.
Add equipmentAdd children defined by a placeholder modelling rule. (Children that inherits EquipmentType)
Add propertyAdd variable children. (Variables that inherit EquipmentPropertyType)
Add equipment classAdd an equipment class. (ClassType)

Sub Equipments

The children (objects) of this instance of type EquipmentType (or an inheritance), with a MadeUpOfEquipment reference from this instance.

Column NameExplanation
DisplayNameThe DisplayName of the child.
TypeDefinitionThe type of the child.
ReferenceTypeThe reference type to the child.
ModellingRuleThe ModellingRule defined for this child.
NodeClassThe NodeClass of this child.
DescriptionDescription of the child.
EquipmentLevelThe equipment element level.

Sub equipments can be deleted by pressing the waste bin icon to the right. Note that this will delete the whole equipment, not just the reference. If the waste bin is disabled, its probably because the modelling rule does not allow deletion.

Equipment Properties

The children (variables) of this instance of type EquipmentPropertyType (or an inheritance) with a HasISA95Property (or HasISA95ClassProperty) reference from this instance.

Column NameExplanation
DisplayNameThe DisplayName of the child.
TypeDefinitionThe type of the child.
IdThe NodeID of the child.
ReferenceTypeThe reference type to the child.
Reference IdThe NodeId of the reference.
ModellingRuleThe ModellingRule defined for this child.
ValueThe value of the variable.
DataTypeThe data type of the variable
DescriptionDescription of the child.

Calculation expression to compute the value from external item source(s). The expression be changed by clicking the button to open the Item Expression Editor.

Equipment properties can be deleted by pressing the waste bin icon to the right. Note that this will delete the property, not just the reference. If the waste bin is disabled, its probably because the modelling rule does not allow deletion.

Equipment Classes

Equipment Classes (types that inherit EquipmentClassType) defined for this instance and has a DefinedByEquipmentClass reference from this instance.

Column NameExplanation
NameThe name of the equipment class.
IdThe NodeId of the equipment class.
DescriptionThe description of the equipment class.

Equipment Classes can be removed by pressing the waste bin icon to the right. All equipment properties defined for the equipment class will be removed from the equipment.