Commands And Events

The OPC module has the following Commands and Events:


NameDescriptionEvent Type
ExternalItemsTimer event for handling of external items. By default, the command 'HandleExternalItems' is connected to this event, but that can be modified. The timer resolution is specified by the 'ExchangeRate' property.Timer
ServerConnectedThe OPC server if connected.Normal
ServerDataChangeThe OPC server has sent a subscription based data change notification.Normal
ServerFirstTimeDataChangedThe OPC server has sent a subscription based data change notification first time after reconnect.Normal
ServerShutdownThe OPC server has sent a shutdown notification.Normal


NameDescriptionCommand Type
HandleExternalItemsCommand for reading external items. When fired, the module will read all its external items, and update/notify the ones that has changed.Synchronous
ResetExternalItemsResets the external item manager, by forcing a full refresh of all external items when the 'HandleExternalItems' is fired next time.Synchronous
ReconnectReconnects to the OPC server.Asynchronous
ResetResets the OPC items in the client by performing a synchronous read from server.Synchronous
UpdateItemTimestampCommand used for updating the value of the item specified in the 'TimeReferenceItem' property, when configured.Synchronous

See also

Commands And Events