Namespaces to replicate

Select the namepaces to replicate from the remote server. In order to replicate namespaces on a remote server, the namespaces of interest must be selected and added.

Locate the 'APIS OPC UA Namespace server' in the Solution Explorer and browse down to the Orchestrator, then to Replicated Namespaces. Right-click on Replicated Namespaces to open a popup and select Add Replicated Namespaces:

This opens a dialog where namepaces can be select for replication:

Press the Add namespace button to get a list of available namespaces, select the ones you want.

To avoid uri collisions on the aggregating server, you can change the exposed uri of the replicated namespace, as is done for the last namespace in the example above.

Press the Add custom namespace button to add non existing namespaces (namespaces that are expected to appear at a later point in time).

To configure a replicated namespace, locate the namespace beneath the Orchestrator in the Solution Explorer: