Error handling and messages

If a critical error occurs, a tray icon will appear at the lower right of the computer desktop, flashing a database icon and alarm icon periodically. Right-click the flashing icon to bring forward a pop-up menu, where you can choose to View Events or to Acknowledge the alarm.

Error situations

If Apis Honeystore encounters errors or problems during operation, it starts flashing the tray icon mentioned above. In such cases, you should analyze the events written to the log viewer in Apis Management Studio to determine the cause of the error. It might just be as simple as that the database is full, i.e. cannot hold any more items, or that you tried to trend data for an undefined item of unknown data type. In such cases, you can simply acknowledge the alarm by right clicking on the flashing tray icon, and then select Acknowledge alarm from the pop-up menu.

Bad/corrupt files

In case of a more serious error, such as corrupt database files, you should stop all applications accessing the databases, including any running logger system such as Apis Hive. Then, you should , called Apis Honeystore and Apis OPCHDA. When the Apis Honeystore service stops, the flashing tray icon will also disappear.

As a first thing to do, you should try to re-start the Apis Honeystore. If this service starts without any error messages or flashing tray icons, you should also try to start the logger system. If all starts up without any errors, and the historical data in the database is present, it might have been a “false alarm” and it is not necessary to restore the database from the backup. If it was not a false alarm, error symptoms will occur again, and database recovery from backup may be necessary to fix the problem.