Real time Event View

The Real time Event View fetches and displays real time event in a list, real time event details, and can export historical events.

The view consists of four parts, the object list, filter, real time event list and event details.

Object list

The object list shows which objects the real time events come from, It's possible to drag and drop objects from the solution explorer into this list to add a new query for objects.

Filter part

In the filter part the user can add more filters for the events, such as severity, source name.

Real time event part

The real time event part is a tab view with two tabs, one is events and the other is alarms, the events tab shows all event, and the alarms tab shows the alarms.

In the alarms tab, the user can use the 'Acknowledge' context menu item to acknowledge an alarm.

For both events tab and alarms tab, the user can use context menu to specify which columns he want to see.

For both events tab and alarms tab, the user can click the 'Export to file button' to export the events to a text file.

In the export dialog, the user can check the 'Export all fields' checkbox at the bottom to export all fields of events, if this checkbox is unchecked, only field in the lists are exported.

Event details

The event details part shows the detail information of one event item, when the user click one event in the event list, the event details view will show the detail information of this event.