Apis UaPublisherBee

This module can be used to publish information to Microsoft Eventhub. We create the messages according to the OpcUa spesification defined in "OpcUa Part 14 PubSub Release 1.04 Specification".

Also see: Stream data to broker

We only support the Json messages defined in 7.3.2 JSON Message Mapping and Json_Simplified

We use a standard communication protocol AMQP, MQTT, and Kafka to send the information to the broker. We also have the possibilities store the created messages in files, but this is to check the messages layout and content for more debugging purpose.

The property "BrokerType" define the communication to the broker. Below is a description how to configure different


Select this and define a filename under an existing directory. e.g "c:/pubsub/data.json" in the property "FileName".The file will be created, and for every message sent, a new line in the file will be added. There is a maximum size of the file and then a new file will be created. Up to 10 files and then the files will be reused.


Then AMQP kommunication is used. Properies starting with AMQP has to be set. Se the Stream data to broker for more information.


The properties starting with the "MQTT." define this communication. Check the used broker to get the details. The MQTTTransport define either plain or secure communication. The value TcpServerTls represent secure communication. Then the certificate from the broker will be stored in the rejected directory for certs. (e.g. ...Config/InstanceName/pki/rejected) . If you thrust this broker and the certificate, move it to the "thrusted" directory.

Provider: Prediktor


Commands And Events

JSON messages

UaPublisher data flow

The UaPublisherBee module has the following item types

Writer Group

Variable DataSetWriter
