
The ModbusSlave module has the following properties:

BaudRateBaud rate for serial communication. Only valid when Comm. type is Serial1040Persisted, Enumerated
ByteorderByte transfer order1038Persisted, Enumerated
COM portThe COM port to use. Only valid when Comm. type is Serial1060Persisted, Enumerated
Comm. typeCommunication method, Serial or TCP/IP.1025Persisted, Enumerated
DataBitsNumber of bits in the bytes transmitted and received for serial communication.1072Persisted, Enumerated
Default SlaveaddressThe Slaveaddress (Unit ID) on Modbus slave, this property can be set individually on item level.1035Persisted
EndianModbus is a "big-endian" protocol: that is, the more significant byte of a 16-bit value is sent before the less significant byte. It seems obvious that 32-bit and 64-bit values should also be transferred using big-endian order. However, some manufacturers have chosen to treat 32-bit and 64-bit values as being composed of 16-bit words, and transfer the words in little-endian order. For example, the 32-bit value 0x12345678 would be transferred as 0x56 0x78 0x12 0x34. Select LittleEndian to use this mixed ordering.1037Persisted, Enumerated
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
Exception CodeException code to send for testing purpose, valid only when Send Exception property is greater that 016010 
HandshakingHandshaking option for serial transmission1070Persisted, Enumerated
IP addressEndpoint Ip address of Modbus server. Only valid when Comm. type is TCP/IP1301Persisted
Master command timeoutTime to wait for master command in (seconds) before giving up and reset connection1302Persisted
Message timeoutTime interval, the active message is reported (in seconds).1090Persisted
ParityParity scheme for the serial communication. Only valid when Comm. type is Serial1050Persisted, Enumerated
PortThe endpoint TCP/UDP port of Modbus server. Only valid when Comm. type is TCP/IP1300Persisted
Send ExceptionThis is used to simulate exception to master for test purposes. Set value to greater that 0, to enable exception response. 1 - exception on every response 2 - exception on every second response and so on.  
StopBitsNumber of stop bits to be used for serial communication.1074Persisted, Enumerated
TimeReferenceItemAn item who's value will be used as the time reference for this module instead of the system time, when timestamping items.200Persisted, ApisItem, ExpertPage
TracefileMaxSizeThe max size of the trace file before the file is truncated in bytes. Default is 50 MB => 50 * 1024 * 102415000Persisted, ExpertPage
TraceToFileThis is used to trace detail information about the incomming data over the link15010Persisted, File, ExpertPage
WritetimeoutTime to wait (milliseconds) before giving up an attempt to write to master1080Persisted

See also Module Properties