Apis Alarm Area

The AlarmArea module monitors items in Apis Hive and generates alarms and events based on configurable criteria.

When an AlarmArea module is added to Hive, it will create a new event-category global attribute named after the module (e.g. MyAlarmAreaEvtCategory if the module is named "MyAlarmArea"). This attribute must then be added to all items that should be monitored, and set to one of the following values to specify the monitoring behavior on each item:

  • Discrete: The item value is either normal or not normal.
  • Level: The item value is expected to be within a certain range.
  • Watchdog: The item value is expected to be regularly updated.
  • WatchQuality: The item quality is expected to be good.

After setting the EvtCategory attribute, each item must be configured depending on the category selected for the item:

  • For the "Discrete" category, set the AlmNormalState attribute.
  • For the "Level" category, set the AlmH, AlmHH, AlmL and AlmLL attributes.
  • For the "Watchdog" category, set the AlmWatchdogPeriods attribute. A period is the time given in the ScanPeriod property of the AlarmArea module.
  • For the "Watch Quality" category, no additional attributes are necessary for proper configuration.

Another way to initiate alarm monitoring is to specify the AlmPrimaryArea attribute. Type the name of the AlarmAreaBee to be used to monitor the selected items. The default name is AlarmArea.

Mapping to Apis Chronical

By default, the AlarmArea module will create one Chronical eventsource for each item it monitors. The eventsource will be named after the item, and it will be linked below the sources "ApisHive/Areas/$AREANAME" and "ApisHive/Modules/$MODULENAME". When the state of an alarm is modified, the AlarmArea module will generate an event in Chronical to reflect the change.

The Chronical eventtypes used for these events are:

  • OffNormalAlarm for 'Discrete' monitoring.
  • LevelAlarm for 'Level' monitoring.
  • WatchdogAlarm for 'Watchdog' monitoring.
  • QualityAlarm for 'WatchQuality' monitoring.

The events will be reported on the eventsource created for the item, and they will use the item name for the "Sourcename" field defined in Chronical.

Some Chronical attributes can be added to each item to modify the default behaviour:

  • ChronicalEventType specifies the eventtype to use for events on the item.
  • ChronicalParent specifies a custom parent for the item instead of the default "ApisHive/Modules/$MODULENAME".
  • ChronicalSourceName specifies a custom value for the "Sourcename" eventfield.

Provider: Prediktor


Commands And Events

See also: