Command Descriptions

GetApisVersion: Prints out the current Apis version from server side.

Example Usage GetApisVersion:

amash.exe -s localhost GetApisVersion

HsDefrag: If valid database path(s) are identified, the method returns true; otherwise, it returns false. It initiates the API's repair process for each discovered .dat file on the server, processing one .dat file at a time using settings configured in ../APIS/ManagementServer/appsettings.json.

Example Usage HsDefrag:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsDefrag

Returns true/false

HsStart: Initiates a repair process for a selected Honestore database via the ApisHSTrendRepair tool and returns the Process ID (PID). By entering "HsStart -h", the user can reveal additional choices to toggle on:

amash.exe -s localhost HsStart -h

Run ApisHSTrendRepair on remote host.

  -inspect              Inspect Only! No files will be modified or repaired!

  -auto                 Automatically repair trendfiles.
                        May delete overlapping trend data!

  -serial               Repair trendfiles in serial,
                        instead of parallel in multiple treads.

  -force                Repair even though Repaired.log
                        file exists and directory has been repaired previously.

  -verbose              Verbose output.

  -dir <Directory>      Folder to be repaired.
                        Includes subfolders

  -numthreads:N         The number of threads (N) to run in parallell, if not -serial is specified.
                        N must be in the range[0, 256] (0 means same as default => sets N equal to
                        number of logical threads on given hardware.

Example Usage HsStart:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsStart -inspect -auto -serial -force -verbose -dir "X:\exampleFolder.dat" -numthreads:N

Process started with PID 25324

HsStatus: Returns the repair status of a Honeystore database that is currently undergoing repair.

Example Usage HsStatus:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsStatus 25324

25324 current status:   xx.x% done

HsCancel: Trigger a graceful shutdown of running process on host if given PID is found.

Sets the flag to true

amash.exe -s localhost HsCancel 24040  

HsListDb: Retrieves a list of Honeystore databases and their corresponding folder paths on the server side.

Example Usage HsListDb:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsListDb

Name                    Filepath
DatabaseExample1        C:\Something1\DatabaseExample1.dat
DatabaseExample2        C:\Something2\DatabaseExample2.dat
DatabaseExample3        C:\Something3\DatabaseExample3.dat

HsListProcess: Retrieves a list of all processes currently undergoing repair, along with those that have been repaired successfully or unsuccessfully.

Example Usage HsListProcess:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsListProcess

PID       Start                LastUpdate           Runtime          Output                Filepath
24040     2024-02-16 10:33     2024-02-16 10:33     0hrs 0min        17.4% done            C:\Something3\DatabaseExample3.dat

PID       Start                Stop                 Runtime          Output                Filepath
36384     2024-02-16 10:18     2024-02-16 10:19     0hrs 1min        100.0% done           "C:\exampleFiles\example.dat"

No current processes running

HsListLogs: Lists all Repair/Inspect logs from each database.

amash.exe -s localhost HsListLogs

List of log files:

HsDownloadLogs: Facilitates the downloading of {"RepairResults*.log", "RepairErrors*.log", "InspectResults*.log", "InspectErrors*.log"} files located within the server side. After executing the command, the user specifies the path on the client-side where the files are to be downloaded.

Example Usage HsDownloadLogs:

amash.exe -s localhost -p 7823 HsDownloadLogs "C:\"

File downloaded successfully!