
The HSMirror module has the following properties:


Select a strategy for automatically configuing the items of this module, based on changes in the databases of the Apis HoneyStore historian. Typically used in combination with property Database-ItemFilters.
Enum options are:

  • Manual: No automatic configuration, items must be addedand deleted manually.
  • AutoAdd: When trend-items matching the Database-ItemFilters are added to HoneyStore, items are automatically added to this module. Also, when module is started, HoneyStore is investigated for matching trend-items and if found, automatically added to this module.
  • AutoDelete: When trend-items matching the Database-ItemFilters are deleted from HoneyStore, items are automatically added to this module. Note, when module is started, HoneyStore is not investigated for missing trend items to delete. The reason for this is that we don't want items to disappear when HoneyStore databases are temporarily put into Disabled or Admin modes and this Hive instance is restarted.
  • AutoAddAndDelete: Same as selecting both AutoAdd and AutoDelete.
2000Persisted, Enumerated
Database-ItemFiltersWhen specified; a vector of "DataBase.ItemName" filters to use for automagic item configuration, wildcard syntax is supported. If an empty array, items must be added/deleted manually to the module. When specified, this also works as filter(s) for browsing the namespace of HoneyStore when adding HoneyStoreItems.2010Persisted
DescriptionA user defined description of this module instance.900Persisted, InfoPage
ExchangeRateThe exchange rate in milliseconds for the 'ExternalItems' timer event. By default, used for updating external items values.100Persisted
HS-ComputerHS-Computer\nThe computer hosting the Apis HoneyStore Historian. Leave empty for localhost, or enter a valid hostname/IP-address.1100Persisted, TcpIpAddr
LogLevelSpecifies the loglevel for diagnostic messages from this module.500Persisted, Enumerated
PersistValToInitValChoose strategy for copying and persisting current value to the InitValue.1500Persisted, Enumerated
Text1A generic user defined text related to this module instance.910Persisted, InfoPage
Text2A generic user defined text related to this module instance.911Persisted, InfoPage
Text3A generic user defined text related to this module instance.912Persisted, InfoPage
Text4A generic user defined text related to this module instance.913Persisted, InfoPage

See also Module Properties