Namespace Replication

Namespace Replication is the ability to extract models for one or more namespaces on an external (source) UA Server, and exposing those namespaces through a local Hive UA Server. Namespaces from several external UA servers can be aggregated into the same UA server, called an aggregating server.

Namespace replication requires a running instance of the Apis OPC UA Namespace Server (UANSS) service.

A prerequisite to namespace replication is to connect to the external server with an OPC UA Client, the ApisOpcUa module.

For how to install UANSS, see Apis OPC UA Namespace Server Installation

To start, stop and connect to UANSS, see Connect to Apis OPC UA Namespace Server.

To setup which and how to replicate namespaces for an external server, see Configure Orchestrator.

To setup variable-items generation for an external server, see Configure Replicated Namespaces.

The process of performing the replication of namespaces is called Crawling, described in Address Space Crawling.

The process of loading replicated namespaces into the aggregating server is described in Namespace Proxy Models.