
To use the module with a PostgreSQL server, do the following:

  1. Install psqlODBC using Stack Builder application
  2. Configure ODBC data source using ODBC Data Source Administrator
  • System DSN: Add
  • Select PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE)
  • Specify parameters, e.g. database=postgres,server=localhost,username=postgres,port=5432,password=xxx
  • Test the connection
  1. Specify connection string for the module, e.g.
  • Provider=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers;Data Source=PostgreSQL35;location=postgres;User ID=postgres;password=xxx;timeout=1000;
  • Data Source is the Name of the data source as specified in ODBC Data Source Administrator

Make sure the user has read/write permissions to the database and tables used in the module:

  1. Right-click on the table and click Properties
  2. Go to Security tab and grant permissions