Deleting and Renaming Modules

Deleting modules

If you want to delete a module from your configuration, select the Module Node in the Solution Explorer. Open the context menu and select Remove.

If any items of this module have been enabled for logging into a Apis Honeystore database, the corresponding items in the database may be deleted from the database as well. Deletion depends on the module property ItemDeletion of the corresponding ApisLoggerBee module

If you are deleting an ApisLoggerBee module, the database managed by this module may be deleted, depending on the module property AutoDeleteDB of the ApisLoggerBee module you're deleting. Therefore, if you want to delete the database, make sure this property is set to true. Set it to false, if you want to keep the database for future use

Renaming modules

If you want to rename a module in your configuration, select the Module Node in the Solution Explorer. Open the context menu and select Rename module..... Then, enter a new, unique name for the module and click OK.

When a module is renamed, the following configuration changes are applied / maintained automatically:

  • External item connections.
  • Global attributes, will re-register and rename the Global attribute according to the new Module name, when applicable.
  • Event broker connections.
  • The Logger Bee automatically renames items currently stores into its HoneyStore database (Note that the database itself, is not renamed since it can be shared amongst several modules, and there is no one-to-one connection).
  • The alarm Area name of the module in the Apis Event Server / Chronical.
  • If Security / Config Audit trails are enabled, a ModuleRenamed entry will be logged.

It is strongly advised to take a backup before renaming modules, in case of unwanted effects as result of the rename operation. Also, if possible, it could be wise to restart the Hive instance after a module has been renamed, and inspect the trace logs for any related issues. Even if you cannot restart the Hive instance, inspecting the trace logs is a good idea.