How to configure Item Attribute item

In some cases you might want to make available item attribute(s) of as a separate item in the Apis name space. This example explains how to do just that. The variable type which support this functionality is the item type Item type: Item Attribute Items on the ApisWorker, ApisOpc and ApisOpcUa modules. This example will show you how to configure item attribute items on an ApisWorker module.

Add worker module

Follow the guide Add Module to Apis Hive to add a module of type ApisWorker to an Apis Hive Instance.

  • After adding the module, select the new module named "Worker" from the Solution Explorer.
  • Set the "ExchangeRate" property to e.g. 1000 ms. This is the update rate when this module exchanges data with other modules.
  • Click on Apply

Add items

  • Make sure that you have the items with attributes available in the Apis namespace. In this example I will use a Worker Signal item.
  • Follow the guide Add Items to a Module, but this time select item type "Item type: Item Attribute Items".
  • Click on Browse button to get an overview of which attribute to expose as item.

  • Select Sine.Amplitude by click on the check box on the left side of the item and click Ok button twice

  • The access rights of the item Worker.Sine.Amplitude is given by the access rights of the attribute. Since the Amplitude have read/write access you should be able to change the amplitude both from the Apis namespace and from the item attribute property window. Updating either one of them (item / attribute) should be automatically be reflected on each other.