Introduction to Apis Foundation

Thank you for using Apis Foundation from Prediktor AS. Apis is Prediktor’s real-time industrial software platform. Apis is component based, with each component containing a set of functions, and has been used in over 600 installations, mostly within mission critical areas in the maritime, manufacturing, and oil & gas drilling and production industries.

We hope you find Apis Foundation useful. Any questions and suggestions are welcome via email:

What is Apis Foundation?

Apis Foundation is a real-time industrial software platform that incorporates many industry standards such as OPC and OPC UA. Apis Foundation is fully component-based and can therefore be integrated in a myriad of ways with our partners’ software. You can choose which components are required and avoid paying for unneeded functionality.

Components include: tools to collect data from external systems, sensors and equipment; a powerful time-series database that serves as a real-time Historian; and tools to expose data via OPC or OPC UA. Using these components, a number of different applications can be built including OPC UA-based Historians, OPC DA/HDA servers, OPC Hubs, OPC UA wrappers for transferring real-time data over the internet, and much, much more.

Apis Foundation includes the following tools and services:

Apis Services:

  • Apis Hive is a multipurpose real-time data communication hub and container for Apis Modules. Hive is an executable that hosts data access, processing, and logging components into one efficient real-time domain.
  • Apis HoneyStore is Prediktor's high-performance, time-series database.
  • Apis Chronical is Prediktor's high-performance, event-server and historian.
  • Apis OpcUa Namespace Replication Service is a service for replicating namespaces from OPC UA servers to Apis Hive.
  • Apis Backup Agent is a service responsible for executing backup and restore jobs.

Apis Tools:

  • Apis Management Studio is the main engineering interface for configuring Apis services.
  • Apis Bare is a tool for manually backing up and restoring configuration and data for your Apis applications.

Where to start?

If you're new to Apis, we suggest you read the How To Guides. They cover the most common tasks and concepts when using the software.