External Item Monitoring - Pulse Trigger

This feature makes it possible to monitor an external item and create a pulse value in an Apis item depending on the value in the external item and a set of predefined rules for monitoring.

The following item attributes must be specified:

5970MonMethodThe method that decides how external items are monitored. Available methods: None, ValueChanged, ValueChangedAutoReset.2 byte unsigned integer
5971MonTrueValueThe value to be set on the destination item if the external (source) item behave in a manner that should produce a pulse value.Variant
5972MonFalseValueThe value to be set on the destination item if the external (source) item behave in a manner that should not produce a pulse value.Variant

How to set up a monitoring:

Create an item (DestinationItem), add the three attributes (Add attributes) described above and set the appropriate values. Make the item you want to monitor (SourceItem) an external item to the DestinationItem (Set external item).  

Note: Monitoring is always carried out after potential data transfer and data validation operations.

At the time of writing, ValueChanged and ValueChangedAutoReset are the only monitoring methods that are implemented. The pulse production for these methods is described in the figure below.

See also

External Items, Data transfer control, Data validation