Target Model Identification Form

Target Model Identification (TMI) is the process of identifying and declaring the entities (instances/variables/properties) that make up a semantic target model, based on knowledge of the real world that is the target of modelling, combined with knowledge of the metamodel upon the model shall be based. Typically, the process involves identification of real world entities that can be typed according to types defined in the selected target metamodel. The TMI form can be used to bulk-specify the entities that constitute the target model, create copies of models, update models, add references, connect external items and more.

The TMI Form is a document that defines the instances of a semantic model in a human readable form. The TMI form is defined in an Excel workbook (xlsx) file.

When building models in a TMI form, the recommended workflow is to first build a small part of the model in the model builder in AMS. This small part should span as much of the model as possible, i.e. contain the types used and one or more paths down to the leafs of the model. When exporting this model to a TMI form, the layout of the TMI will be correct and make a good starting point for manually adding entities to the model. After the entities are added to the TMI form, the form can be imported to the UA server.

The TMI Form format is different for UA companion specifications than the UA specification itself. Be sure to use the version corresponding to the specification used for the semantic model.

Apis Management Studio supports the following UA specifications: